Infectionist questioned the effectiveness of vitamin C in the treatment of COVID-19

Professor Meskina: the effectiveness of vitamin C in the treatment of coronavirus has not yet been proven

The effectiveness of vitamin C in the treatment of coronavirus has not yet been sufficiently proven. In such treatment of COVID-19, an infectious disease specialist, pediatrician, professor of the Department of Pediatrics of the Moscow Regional Research Clinical Institute named after M.F. Vladimirsky Elena Meskina, RBC reports.

Previously, scientists said that intravenous vitamin C would help protect the body from a severe form of coronavirus. It increases the rate of recovery from coronavirus by 70 percent compared to placebo, they found.

“Infection, including COVID, and inflammation make the body's environment more acidic than necessary. And ascorbic acid in high doses also leads to “acidification”, so to speak, “- said Meskina.

The infectious disease specialist suggested that vitamin C can negatively affect metabolic processes in the body. According to her, it is not yet possible to assess the risks of the effect of high doses of this vitamin on the body.

Meskina emphasized that more detailed studies should be carried out before deciding on the use of such treatment.

Previously, the doctor- nutritionist Moysenko called an unexpected product to fight viruses. She said that the strength of the immune system depends on the smooth functioning of the thyroid gland, and she, in turn, needs iodine.

