In the United States, the mandatory vaccination against COVID-19 in large companies has been suspended

The US Court of Appeal Suspends Compulsory Vaccinations for Employees of Large Companies 19 employees of large companies in the country, according to the court's decision, RIA Novosti writes.

“Thus, the mandate is suspended pending further court decision on this issue,” the verdict says. The court also referred to “serious legislative and constitutional issues” when making the decision.

Earlier, the US Federal Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) allowed children from 5 to 11 years old to be vaccinated with a coronavirus drug produced by the American company Pfizer and German BioNTech. Members of the CDC commission unanimously voted to recommend that children be vaccinated with two doses of the drug.

The United States has the largest number of cases of coronavirus infection in the world – 46.4 million.



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