Gas pumping to Germany via the Yamal-Europe pipeline was stopped again

Gas supplies stopped from & nbsp; 09:00 to & nbsp; 10:00 Moscow time. After that, gas began to reverse along the & nbsp; pipeline in the & nbsp; direction from & nbsp; Germany to & nbsp; Poland. Now it & nbsp; is about & nbsp; 139.5 thousand cubic meters. m in & nbsp; hour.

In & nbsp; the last time direct gas pumping to & nbsp; Europe via the Yamal pipeline & mdash; Europe stopped in the morning, October 30 & nbsp;

Then pumping dropped sharply, and then stopped altogether. After that, gas began to reverse through the pipeline in the opposite direction from Germany to Poland.

Then in & nbsp; Gazprom; stated that & nbsp; European consumers' requests for & nbsp; Russian gas supplies are being & nbsp; fulfilled in full, and & nbsp; & quot; fluctuations in demand for & nbsp; Russian gas depend on & nbsp; actual needs of buyers & raquo ;.

Recall, in & nbsp; August on & nbsp; the first stage condensate deethanization unit at the & nbsp; Gazprom Pererabotka plant in & nbsp; Urengoy there was a fire, which led to a & nbsp; large fire at the & nbsp; & nbsp; enterprise.

Due to the & nbsp; fire, the plant suspended operations for several days. This led to the & nbsp; temporary interruption of supplies of oil and gas condensate mixture to the & nbsp; Surgut plant for & nbsp; stabilization of condensate. In addition, the fire led to & nbsp; a decrease in gas transit through the & nbsp; Yamal gas pipeline & nbsp; & mdash; Europe in & nbsp; twice.

