FBI raids Biden's daughter's diary case

Agents visited the & nbsp; houses of former and & nbsp; current Project Veritas employees who were allegedly involved in the publication of & nbsp; one of the & nbsp; right-wing resources for & nbsp; a week and a half before the & nbsp; presidential elections in 2020.

It is noted that & nbsp; as part of this case, at least one person who collaborated with the & nbsp; organization was interrogated.

The content of the records was not disclosed. In & nbsp; October 2020, a spokesman for the Biden family informed law enforcement that & nbsp; and & nbsp; during the & nbsp; hotel burglary, several of Ashley's belongings were missing.

Project Veritas founder James O & rsquo; Keefe denied allegations of & nbsp; that & nbsp; & nbsp; ; his organization is somehow & nbsp; related to the & nbsp; loss of the diary. According to & nbsp; he said, the diary was not & nbsp; published, but & nbsp; got into & nbsp; their & nbsp; hands through & nbsp; certain informants. He & nbsp; stressed that & nbsp; his organization refused & nbsp; to cooperate with & nbsp; because it was not & nbsp; able to independently verify the authenticity of the diary, but & nbsp; then passed all the information to law enforcement agencies, including the diary itself.

“ Now the Ministry of Justice , in & nbsp; in particular, the Attorney's Office for the Southern District of New York, opened an investigation, claiming that & nbsp; the diary was stolen. We & nbsp; do not & nbsp; know if & nbsp; whether & nbsp; this, but & nbsp; this begs the question, since & nbsp; when has the alleged diary theft been investigated by the FBI and & nbsp; the Department of Justice & raquo;, & nbsp; & mdash; said & nbsp; he.

