Doctors talk about the deadly danger of stains on the tongue

Express: British doctors said that spots on the tongue and mouth could indicate cancer

British doctors said that red or white stains on the tongue and mouth can signal fatal danger. This is reported by the Express edition.

According to doctors, such spots can be a sign of oral cancer. They explained that ulcers that do not heal for several weeks, an abnormal lump on the neck, and persistent pain in the ears or throat may also be indicative of cancer. In addition, experts emphasized that problems with swallowing or changes in speech may indicate this disease.

If such symptoms occur, doctors advise contacting an appropriate specialist. However, they note that such signs can appear in other diseases.

Earlier, oncologists from Ningbo University and Shanxi Agricultural University in China said that the Toxoplasma gondii parasite helps in the fight against malignant diseases. According to doctors, they have found an effective way to treat cancer. The parasite lives in the host's cells and is capable of producing large amounts of proteins to counteract its immune defenses. During the experiment, Chinese scientists used a mutant Toxoplasma gondii strain with limited reproductive ability.



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