Diplomats from Russia and the USA will hold “consultations on bilateral irritants”

The Russian and US diplomats will hold “consultations on bilateral irritants” in the coming days

on bilateral stimuli “. During the meeting, issues of consular support will be resolved, Sergei Koshelev, Counselor-Envoy of the Russian Embassy in Washington, said on RTVI TV. – during which, among other things, issues related to the provision of consular support will be resolved, “the diplomat said.

According to Koshelev, consultations of consular services with the State Department are conducted on a regular basis, and all operational issues are resolved during negotiations .

Earlier, the US State Department ranked Russians wishing to obtain an American visa as a “homeless nationality.” This category includes citizens of those countries in which the United States does not have a consular mission, or where the political situation is considered so unstable that it does not allow the diplomatic mission to consider their citizens' visa applications.



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