At a European school, boys were asked to wear skirts

Daily Mail: Edinburgh school officials ask elementary school students to wear skirts

boys in the lower grades, asking them to make sure that the children come to the educational institution in skirts in order to maintain equality. As the Daily Mail clarifies, a similar request was addressed to teachers.

The European school noted that they are even ready to provide schoolchildren with skirts if the parents do not have suitable ones.

The appeal infuriated the parents of some students and they began to criticize the initiative on Twitter. “My son is only five and just got this from school! Let the children be children “, – the user Megan was indignant.

“If a boy wants to wear a skirt at school, he should be allowed, but why pressure people to ask their son to wear a skirt or to be considered some kind of fanatic?” Wrote the user with the nickname Nicola.

Commenting on the complaints, the school said that in this way they want to support the action popular in Spanish schools. “We want our educational institution to be inclusive and promote the idea of ​​equality,” the school noted.

Outraged parents were supported by the non-profit organization Campaign for True Education. The representative of the organization noted that adults impose their anxiety on children, instead of teaching them to treat others the way they would like to be treated.

Earlier it was reported that in Almaty, students of the Nazarbayev Intellectual schools (NIS) after the death of the eighth grader came to classes in skirts. It was clarified that the students decided to organize such an action in protest against sexism in the educational institution. According to one of the students, it was for sexist motives that the NIS curator had previously refused to let an eighth-grader in a skirt to a school ball and sent him to a psychologist, after which the teenager decided to commit suicide.



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