The CPS has warned of an outbreak of rift valley fever in Kenya

The CPS has warned of an outbreak of rift valley fever in Kenya The CPS has warned of an outbreak of rift valley fever in Kenya, the disease has killed 13 people. About it reports a press-Department service. Beginning fever recorded on 8 June. “On 19 June in the six counties of Kenya, there were more than hundreds of cases (exact number not reported) and the number of registered deaths reached 13”, — is spoken in the message. As noted, in the blood of patients has been found the virus of rift valley fever. “The beginning of the flash associated with the impact of heavy rains and floods, which have created favorable conditions for the spread of mosquito — the main vector of the virus,” — said the experts of Rospotrebnadzor. Fever is also detected in animals, such as sheep and camels. The virus could be transmitted by eating meat

At the festival in Makhachkala want to make Shawarma record size

At the festival in Makhachkala want to make Shawarma record size MAKHACHKALA, June 23 — RIA Novosti. Skewers that are longer than 255 meters and a record 20-meter long Shawarma are going to cook in Makhachkala this weekend at the festival, dedicated to a healthy lifestyle, said conductive festival Association chef of Russia. As noted, the Sunny festival fest aims to promote a healthy lifestyle, family values, creativity and culture. According to the organizers, on 23 and 24 June, participants will compete in cooking the biggest in Russia kebab and Shawarma for inclusion in the Book of records of Russia and the world. “The festival will be prepared with the largest Russian Shawarma with a length of 20 meters and the largest shashlik in the world with more than 255 meters”, — stated in the message. Earlier in Moscow region barbequing with a length of 204 meters.

Resolute refusal: why the Russia stops production of its most powerful rockets “proton”

Resolute refusal: why the Russia stops production of its most powerful rockets “proton” The management of “Roscosmos” is going to shoot production smoothly running and powerful truck rocket “proton” for “hangars”. Is this wise decision and how will it affect the development of Soviet cosmonautics? The head of “Roscosmos” Dmitry Rogozin told RIA Novosti that the decision to stop work on the project “proton” after the last boosters to existing contracts. More “Roscosmos” plans to use only “the Hangar”. Who uses “proton”? “Proton” was the main workhorse of commercial launches, “Roscosmos”, despite its relatively high accident rate. The main reason is price. In the 90s and 2000s the main competitors of the Russian missiles was an American Delta IV Heavy and Ariane 5 European. Neither for the price and close could not approach to the Russian “Proton”. After the appearance of the Falcon 9 began pricing movements and the cost

Large Russian city was left without light

Large Russian city was left without light Barnaul from-for a Gale-force wind almost completely remained without power and partially without water, RIA Novosti reported, citing its correspondent in the city. A powerful storm began after 21:00 local time (17:00 Moscow). “In a few minutes in the Central part of the city power outage, there is no light in areas Osipenko,., in new buildings in the Baltic and in other regions”, — told the witnesses. During the download an error has occurred. Because of the hurricane were damaged dozens of cars were also fallen trees, fences and billboards. In addition, according to Interfax, a construction crane fell off the boom and fell onto power lines and a car, killing the crane operator. During the download an error has occurred. Before the storm in the city stood 30-degree heat. The population of Barnaul is more than 630 thousand people. During the download

Ukraine demanded from Bloomberg repaint the map with the Crimea

Ukraine demanded from Bloomberg repaint the map with the Crimea MOSCOW, June 23 — RIA Novosti. The Ukrainian Embassy in Washington, in Twitter called on Bloomberg to correct the map, which marked the territorial affiliation of the Crimea. The Embassy said that the Peninsula is part of Ukraine and “be painted yellow”. Earlier, Bloomberg had published a map of the world, which marked the territorial affiliation of the Russian Peninsula of Crimea. Some key emerging markets are about to run the gantlet of potentially game-changing elections — Bloomberg (@business) 21 Jun 2018 An image of a map placed in the Agency account in micro-blogging network Twitter dedicated to news material on elections in developing countries. On the map of Ukraine territory painted yellow, which in the infographics indicated that elections will be held in 2019. The territory of Russia in infographics marked in dark grey color, which indicates

More than 40% of people in Germany called for the resignation of Merkel as Chancellor

More than 40% of people in Germany called for the resignation of Merkel as Chancellor Moscow. June 22. INTERFAX.RU — citizens of Germany, there is no consensus about whether to resign to Chancellor Angela Merkel, their opinions were divided almost equally, according to a survey conducted by the Institute of public opinion Yougov. So, about 43% of respondents felt that Merkel should resign, while 42% positive about her work and see no need in retirement. While 15% of respondents were undecided. According to the results of a survey to Merkel the most positive supporters of the green party, and worst of all — the supporters of the right-populist party “Alternative for Germany” (ADH). Among those who voted for ADG, only 6% would like to see Merkel as Chancellor of Germany. Among those Germans, who support the “left”, almost 50% sure that Merkel is well cope with their responsibilities as Chancellor.

The victim trump: two days of trade war, the Chinese billionaires lost $50 billion

The victim trump: two days of trade war, the Chinese billionaires lost $50 billion The statement of the President of the United States of new duties on goods from China have sharply reduced the status of the Chinese Forbes list of participants. The nineteenth of June, Donald trump announced the introduction of an additional 10% of the total duties on imported Chinese goods worth $200 billion in Five days earlier it became known about the introduction of the US tariff of 25% on some Chinese goods, China responded with a mirror — a promise to raise taxes for imported us goods. The first victims of large-scale trade wars have become Chinese billionaires. Two days after the statements of trump, on 20 and 21 June, according to our calculations, the combined state 351 billionaire from China in the global Forbes list dropped from $1,155 trillion to $1,105 trillion. The Memorandum is

Hospitalized actress Anna Ardova

Hospitalized actress Anna Ardova The actress of the Mayakovsky Theater Anna Ardova hospitalized to undergo planned treatment, reports RIA “Novosti” the press service of the theater. “Despite the fact that the anniversary season the theatre closes June 28, performances with the participation of Ardovs not this week”, — reported in a press-service of the theatre. It is noted that she was also not involved in the rehearsals — so the actress decided to go for planned treatment at this time. Ardova was born on September 27, 1969 in Moscow in a family of actors. From the age of 16, she attempted to enroll in College theater, but she managed to become a student of GITIS only the fifth time. In 1995, she had finished drama school and became an actress of the Moscow academic Mayakovsky theater. Ardova is widely known for her role in the sitcom “One for all” on

In the United States died, the Russian poet Nahum Korzhavin

In the United States died, the Russian poet Nahum Korzhavin On 93-m to year of life has died the poet, translator and playwright Naum Korzhavin. About this on his page in Facebook said the poet and musician Veronica Valley. Naum Korzhavin (real name Nahum Mandel) was born 14 Oct 1925 in Kiev in a Jewish family. In 1944, he arrived in Moscow. In 1945 he entered the Literary Institute. In late 1947, at the height of the Stalinist campaign “against cosmopolitanism”, Korzhavin was arrested. About eight months he spent in the detention center of the Ministry of state security of the USSR and at the Institute. Serbian. Was convicted by a resolution of the Special Council (OSO) at MGB and sentenced to exile under articles of the Criminal code 58-1 and 7-35 — as a “socially dangerous element”. In the autumn of 1948 he was expelled to Siberia. In 1951-1954

The thin red line: what the military combat lasers

The thin red line: what the military combat lasers How and why Russia, China and the United States develop laser weapons. Laser weapons have gone from sci-Fi films into real life. Laser cannon to destroy the drones, burn out the guidance system of missiles and even blind manpower. “Storm” understood who and what develops combat lasers and how they will apply the military in the near future. Has a beginning… Military-industrial company started the development of combat lasers long before the first “pow-pow” came from the audience of “Star wars” in the heart. For 27 years before the premiere of the space Saga of George Lucas, Soviet and American scientists have boggled the imagination and learning targets with a laser beam. Half a century later, the novelties of the Russian defense industry was represented by President Vladimir Putin. He listed the weapons, working “on new physical principles,” putting among them,