More than 40% of people in Germany called for the resignation of Merkel as Chancellor

More than 40% of people in Germany called for the resignation of Merkel as Chancellor

Moscow. June 22. INTERFAX.RU — citizens of Germany, there is no consensus about whether to resign to Chancellor Angela Merkel, their opinions were divided almost equally, according to a survey conducted by the Institute of public opinion Yougov.

So, about 43% of respondents felt that Merkel should resign, while 42% positive about her work and see no need in retirement. While 15% of respondents were undecided.

According to the results of a survey to Merkel the most positive supporters of the green party, and worst of all — the supporters of the right-populist party “Alternative for Germany” (ADH). Among those who voted for ADG, only 6% would like to see Merkel as Chancellor of Germany.

Among those Germans, who support the “left”, almost 50% sure that Merkel is well cope with their responsibilities as Chancellor.

The attitude of Merkel among supporters of the Alliance of the Christian democratic Union (CDU) and Christian social Union (CSU), which she heads, has been mixed. So, 27% of supporters of the Alliance believe that Merkel’s time to resign as Chancellor. Meanwhile, in her favor are the order of 63% of the supporters of the CDU/CSU.

About 30% of respondents fear that the coalition government could fall apart because of disagreements in the area of illegal immigration. In turn, 45% believe that the coalition of CDU, CSU and Social democratic party of Germany in the near future is not threatened.

Half of the people in Germany claim that the coalition government will probably not last until the next election, which will take place in 2021.

