Each series of documentary film by American Director Oliver stone’s “Putin”, which was shown on the First channel last week, on average, watched more than 5.5 million Russians, according to data from research company Mediascope.
In mid-June on the channel Showtime began showing large-scale project of the American film Director Oliver stone — a four-part film, based on an interview with the President of Russia that were recorded from July 2015 to February 2017. Russian viewers also had the opportunity to watch the film in the First channel under the name “Putin” he came out with 19 to 22 June.
According to the study, the first episode on June 19 and looked to Russia more than 6.2 million Russians older than 18 years, the final series 4.9 million people. On average, turned out that every episode was watched by 5.6 million Russians.