Arab countries demanded that Qatar close “al-Jazeera”

Arab countries demanded that Qatar close “al-Jazeera”

Four countries, broken diplomatic relations with Qatar, was sent to Doha 13 requirements that need to be performed to cancel the boycott.

In particular, Saudi Arabia, Egypt, United Arab Emirates and Bahrain are demanding that Qatar shut down its television station “al Jazeera”.

In the document it is specified that are closed should be all the branches of “al-Jazeera”. The company has a channel in English is one of the most popular Arab satellite channels.

The Gulf States and a close ally of Saudi Arabia, Egypt, long accused “al-Jazeera” to provide a platform for Islamist movements and the promotion of dissent.

From the Qatari authorities also need to cut ties with Iran and close to the Turkish military base and do it all within 10 days.

The largest political crisis in the Gulf erupted in early June, when more than a dozen countries imposed against Qatar’s diplomatic and economic sanctions.

They accused Qatar of financing terrorism and undermining stability in the region. All these accusations Doha denies.

The list of requirements was announced shortly after U.S. Secretary of state Rex Tillerson urged Qatar’s neighbors to make their demands “reasonable and feasible”.

The media noted that Washington was obespokoeny how much time is needed to Riyadh and other members of the boycott that articulate their demands.

Qatar has not yet commented on these claims, however, the Minister of foreign Affairs, Sheikh Mohammed Abdel Rahman al-Thani had earlier said that the authorities are not going to participate in the negotiations until the sanctions are lifted.

“An unnamed sum”

The associated press, who managed to obtain a copy of the list reports that the Arab countries also require:

  • To interrupt all relations with the movement “Muslim brotherhood”, which is forbidden in other Arab countries.
  • Not to give citizenship to natives of the four countries who made the list of requirements and send those who are currently on the territory of Qatar — thus, according to the authors of the list, he’s trying to keep Qatar from interfering in the internal Affairs of other States
  • To give all people who are on the list of terrorists in four countries-the compilers of the list
  • To stop funding any extremist organizations recognized as terrorist in the United States
  • To provide detailed information about the opposition, which, as the authors of the document, funded by Qatar
  • Stop funding other media in addition to the “al-Jazeera”, including Arabi21 and Middle East Eye
  • To pay an undisclosed sum in compensation
  • In political, economic and other fields to focus on the cooperation Council in the Persian Gulf.

The unnamed official told the Reuters news Agency. what Qatar has also asked to suspend alleged he had links to extremist groups “Islamic state” and al-Qaida and the radical Shiite group “Hezbollah”.

The document, which saw journalists, Qatar asked to close diplomatic posts in Iran, to expel all members of the Iranian Islamic revolution guards Corps and to conduct only such trade with Iran does not contradict sanctions of the United States.

