Penza Governor fired sitting on dubious sites officials


Dmitry Astakhov / press service of the Russian government / TASS

The Governor of the Penza region Ivan Belozertsev, fired local officials, during business hours visiting questionable websites on the Internet. The head of the region said during the operational meeting held on Monday, June 19, reports PenzaNews.

Belozertsev noted that the regional government does not need people who sit on the Internet “in working time instead of their immediate work.” According to him, such employees take the place of those who really want to work.

“We are in the Internet “dropped” on these sites [go] unclear where questionable girls put their pictures or something else. This is a shame,” said the Governor, authorizing the regional Ministers to tighten control over subordinates.

Later, the press Secretary Belozertseva Dean Cheremushkin in comments to RIA Novosti noted that official work does not need even a social network.

How many people have been fired, not specified.

1 July 2016 in Russia came into force the article of the law “On state civil service”, which requires future officials to provide data about all the pages on the Internet over the last three years when applying for a job. Current employees of government agencies should report on virtual life until April 1 — as on income. Failure to provide information could threaten bureaucrats with dismissal.

