The police explained the detention of Navalny

Alex Natalypretty: Moscow Authorities decided to stop the attempt to organize a rally on Tverskaya Against opposition leader Alexei Navalny, who was detained on Monday, June 12, will be the administrative records. About it “Interfax” was told in the press service of the MIA. According to law enforcement officials, imposed for two offenses: repeated violation of the rules of organization of meetings (part 8 of article 20.2 of the administrative code) and disobedience to the lawful order of a police officer (article 19.3 of the administrative code). The protocols will be sent to court for decision. Earlier Monday it was reported that Navalny was detained at the entrance of his house. Around noon on Tverskaya street began opposition rally against corruption. The event was coordinated with the authorities on Sakharov Avenue, but then the organizers, including Bulk, I decided to move it in the end. Moscow city hall has regarded

Employee of Regardie sprayed gas in the face on Tverskaya

Continued: Detained raspalubki spray in the face resguardar the participant on Tverskaya During uncoordinated rally on Tverskaya street in Moscow injured employee Regardie. One of the protesters sprayed him in the face with pepper spray, reported RIA Novosti a source in the emergency services of the capital. Now strongman doctors, said the Agency interlocutor. In addition, the irritant gas was sprayed on Pushkin square. The personality who made this man, said “Interfax” a source in the Moscow police. — Feldman (@EvgenyFeldman) 12 June 2017, 12:16 As stated in the city hall, an unauthorized rally on Tverskaya, it was decided to stop. “Supporters of opposition leader Alexei Navalny went to a blatant provocation, they gathered in the center of the capital and shouted slogans,” — said the head of Department of regional security and counteraction of corruption Vladimir Chernikov. The Bulk of the calling on their supporters to come out in

Employee Regardie suffered during an unauthorized rally on Tverskaya

Employee Regardie suffered during an unauthorized rally on Tverskaya MOSCOW, June 12 — RIA Novosti. Employee Regardie suffered during an unauthorized rally on Tverskaya street in Moscow, one of the participants sprayed pepper spray in his face, told RIA Novosti a source in the emergency services of the capital. “One of the participants of the unauthorized action sprinkled in the face of employee the riot police with pepper spray. It is now the doctors,” — said the Agency interlocutor. Moscow mayor’s office agreed to the request of the Director of FBK Roman Rubanova to hold a rally June 12 at Prospekt Akademika Sakharova with the stated number to 15 thousand people. Before that, the city administration suggested to the organizers two alternative routes: in Lublin or on Sakharov Avenue, while rejecting an identical claim of the founder FBK Alexei Navalny because of his violations of the same stock. On the

On Tver there passes the action against corruption: about 120 people have been detained

On Tver there passes the action against corruption: about 120 people have been detained The Navalny supporters mingled with people who came to the festival “Times and epochs”. In Moscow on Tverskaya street in the campaign against corruption. Estimates of the correspondent of “Vedomosti”, at the Pushkin gathered more than 10 000 people. Eyewitnesses reported that the area was sprayed with pepper gas. “The riot police continues to detain all fell to the ground and dragged into paddy wagons. Just on Pushkin sprayed gas”, — wrote the press-Secretary of the FCO Kira Armys Twitter. According to “OVD-info”, detained more than 120 people. Alexei Navalny was detained before the action started. Event organized by Alexei Navalny, also takes place in other major Russian cities. In Moscow mayor’s office agreed to a rally on Prospekt Akademika Sakharova. However, on Sunday police have issued a video message in which he said that the

The police explained the reasons for the detention of Navalny

The police explained the reasons for the detention of Navalny It will be drawn up for violations in the organization of the rally and disobeying the police. Moscow. June 12. INTERFAX.RU — Opposition leader Alexei Navalny detained by police, his attitude will be drawn up administrative reports, reported “Interfax” on Monday in a press-service of the Moscow Central Directorate of police. “Alexei Navalny, posted on the Internet calls you to move with Sakharov Avenue, where there is the event of the opposition, agreed by the mayor of Moscow — on Tverskaya street for participation in uncoordinated protests, detained by police and is currently being delivered to the police Department for drawing up protocols on administrative offences, which will be submitted to the court for decision”, — said the press service GU MVD in Moscow. According to the press service, the protocols would be provided “under part 8 of article 20.2

Poroshenko signed a law banning the production and promotion of St. George ribbons in Ukraine

Poroshenko signed a law banning the production and promotion of St. George ribbons in Ukraine The law was adopted by Parliament on may 16 this year. KIEV, June 12. /TASS/. The law banning the production and promotion of St. George’s ribbons signed by the head of the Ukrainian state. On Monday was announced by his press service. President Petro Poroshenko has signed the Law of Ukraine “On amendments to the Code of Ukraine on administrative offences regarding the prohibition of production and promotion of St. George (guards) ribbon”. The law was adopted by the Verkhovna Rada of Ukraine on 16 may 2017.The press service of the head of state Poroshenko said that the tapes, in his opinion, are not “symbols of the Second world war.” According to the law, for any public display St. George ribbons in Ukraine is expected a fine from UAH 850 to 2550 UAH (from $32

Stoltenberg: NATO ready to dialogue with Russia and does not want a new cold war

Photo: Reuters NATO hopes to resume dialogue with Russia and does not want to start a new cold war. This was stated by Secretary General Jens Stoltenberg at the radio station CBC. “Our approach to Russia is based on two things: defense and dialogue. Russia is our neighbour and will be. NATO does not want a new cold war, we don’t want a new arms race”, – he said. Stoltenberg noted that the resumption of dialogue is possible in the framework of the Council Russia – NATO. The Secretary General also stated that the Alliance “is stepping up its military presence not only in the Baltic States and Poland, but also in the South-East of Europe – in Romania and Bulgaria,” because “Russia continues to destabilize the situation in Eastern Europe.” Held at the end of may the NATO summit in Brussels, Stoltenberg said that the Alliance does not seek

Transparency International said Poklonski on accusations of lying

Photo: RIA Novosti In Transparency International refused to remove from the site investigation, which says that Natalia Poklonskaya owns undeclared apartment in Donetsk. It is reported RIA Novosti with reference to head of the PR Department Gleb Gavrish. “No, sorry, we will not. First, we deny the accusation of forgery, we do not forged the documents, this is the first. Second, the document used in our investigation, a statement from the Ukrainian state register of rights to immovable property […]We don’t know what kind of documents posted MS Poklonskaya,” said Havrysh. Havrysh added that currently the organization is no reason to remove materials from the site. In the investigation of Transparency International Russia says that the state Duma Deputy, and informed the Prosecutor of the Crimea Natalia Polonskaya four times did not indicate in its Declaration the flat area of 29.9 square meters. According to information employees of the organization,

Putin: Russia could safely strengthen the sovereignty and to clearly define national interests

© Natalia Kolesnikova/Pool photo via AP MOSCOW, June 12. /TASS/. Russian President Vladimir Putin believes that Russia is “our people have survived not only the rapid breakthrough to a new, and without this it is impossible to develop, but also extremely dangerous, disturbing time of the weakening of the state, the blurring of the vulnerability of the social fabric”.

Doctors have found that in some countries it is cheaper to buy drugs

Doctors have found that in some countries it is cheaper to buy drugs Canadian and American scientists conducted a study on the difference of prices of drugs in ten developed countries of the world. It turned out that the main reason for the differences is the existing system of health insurance. The researchers published in the Canadian Medical Association Journal. The authors drew attention to six categories of popular drugs that are more likely to buy in pharmacies than in hospitals. This list includes, for example, drugs to reduce pressure, pain relievers and antidepressants. The study was conducted in the following countries: Australia, Canada, France, Germany, the Netherlands, New Zealand, Norway, Sweden, Switzerland and the UK. The study authors found that five States in which the system of private insurance, the average cost of drugs per person was $77 in four countries with social insurance — $99, and in Canada,