Orphans with disabilities proposed to leave in boarding schools until the age of 23

Olga Golodets

Deputy Prime Minister Olga Golodets instructed the Ministry of labor, Ministry of education and science and the Ministry of health to prepare proposals, allowing the orphans with severe, multiple and intellectual disabilities to live in orphanages boarding schools (DDI) to 23 years. This is reported by “Izvestia”.

Departments should report on the results until January 1, 2018, said the member of the Council under the government of Russia on guardianship in the social sphere Elena Klochko. It is noted that under current rules the orphans remain in the DDI to 18 years, after which they are transferred to psycho neurological boarding schools (STUMPS).

“Statistics are not kept, but according to colleagues working with this group, I can say that some of the graduates of DDI experience in the translation of the stress that die within six months to a year. They can’t adapt to the new conditions. These are children with severe disabilities, they need support,” — told shreds. According to her, it is planned not to transfer to the adult institution of orphans with severe disabilities.

According to the newspaper, DD and currently there are about 20 thousand children. In STUMPS are 150 thousand people, and about one third were transferred from children’s boarding schools.

