Over half a million people came to pass the exam in mathematics

More than 560 thousand people in 5100 points across all Russia pass today, may 31, the unified state examination (use) in mathematics basic level, the TV channel “360” with reference to data of the service.

For the execution of 20 tasks of the exam is three hours. Evaluated work will be on a five-point system. Publish the results not later than June 14.

The examinee enough to score 3 points to get the certificate of graduation and the opportunity to send the documents for admission in universities, where mathematics is not included in the list of entrance examinations.

Earlier, on may 28, the Russian traveler Fyodor Konyukhov has promised to take on an expedition of students who successfully passed the exam. According to him, it is about those who will pass the state examination on “excellent” and will enter the University on the specialty that is somehow connected with travelling, nature, ecology and people.

18 may Minister of education and science Olga Vasilieva announced the introduction of a mandatory exam for history 2020. According to her, this is necessary “to heart always had a feeling of pride and belonging”.

