“Bilderberg” will discuss the preliminary results of the Board of trump

Donald Trump

A collection of the most influential and successful politicians and businessmen — “the Bilderberg club” — will begin June 1 at Chantilly (Virginia, USA). About it reports The Guardian.

A three-day closed the eyes of the summit will start in the luxury hotel Westfields MARRIOTT near the Washington residence of U.S. President Donald trump. The day before the meeting, dozens of workers planted around the building a lot of trees to hide the powerful from camera lenses.

As specifies the edition, the main item on the agenda of the club is defined as “the Administration trump: progress report”. From the American leader at the meeting delegated the national security adviser Herbert McMaster, Minister of Commerce Wilbur Ross and one of the strategists of the administration of Chris Laidell.

The list of invited participants in this year head of the International monetary Fund, Christine Lagarde, the king of the Netherlands and China’s Ambassador to the US Cui Tiankai.

The Bilderberg group among fans of conspiracy theories are often considered to be a world government, which takes all important political decisions in the world.

