Putin has eased restrictions on visa-free regime with Turkey

Putin has eased restrictions on visa-free regime with Turkey MOSCOW, may 31 — RIA Novosti. Russian President Vladimir Putin expanded the list of categories of Turkish nationals entitled to travel in Russia on a visa-free regime, the press service of the Kremlin. In November 2015, Putin among the special measures against Turkey has suspended visa-free regime with this country, making a number of exceptions. It quotes the text of the decree, now exceptions also apply to “citizens of the Turkish Republic, members of the crews of the Turkish Republic, and Turkish citizens holding valid official passport and sent to Russia for short-term visits, including diplomatic missions and consular institutions of the Turkish Republic in the territory of the Russian Federation, and members of their families.” In addition, the decree of the President of the Russian Federation emphasized that the expanded list of categories is valid “subject to the adoption of

The death toll in the explosion in Kabul has risen to 90 people

The death toll in the explosion in Kabul has risen to 90 people MOSCOW, may 31 — RIA Novosti. The death toll in the blast in the Afghan capital Kabul, has reached 90 people, 380 were injured, reports the Agency Pajak citing sources in the security forces and health structures. Earlier it was reported about 80 dead and over 350 injured. Update: 90 killed and 380 wounded in #kabulblast . Health and security sources.#AFG — Pajhwok Afghan News (@pajhwok) 31 may 2017 A powerful bomb exploded in Kabul on Wednesday morning near the presidential Palace and buildings of foreign embassies. Many buildings were damaged, including the building of the Embassy of France. According to preliminary data of the Ministry of interior of Afghanistan, the bomb was planted in a tanker for transportation of water. While no terrorist group has claimed responsibility for the explosion.

The number of victims of explosion in Kabul rose to 80 people

The number of victims of explosion in Kabul rose to 80 people MOSCOW, may 31 — RIA Novosti. The death toll in the blast in the Afghan capital Kabul has risen to 80 people, more than 350 were injured, reports Reuters with reference to Ministry of health of the country. Earlier it was reported about 65 dead and 325 wounded. A powerful bomb exploded in Kabul on Wednesday morning near the presidential Palace and buildings of foreign embassies. Many buildings were damaged, they smashed Windows and doors. Reuters, citing the police reported that a car bomb exploded near the German Embassy. According to preliminary data, exploded tanker truck for hauling water, reported local TV channel Tolo News, citing the interior Ministry of Afghanistan.

The health Ministry said 65 of those killed in the explosion near the Embassy of Germany in Kabul

The health Ministry said 65 of those killed in the explosion near the Embassy of Germany in Kabul The explosion at the German Embassy in Kabul killed 65 people. Even more than 325 were injured, reports channel Tolo News, citing the Ministry of public health of Afghanistan. A source in the security service told Reuters that it is unknown whether the injured in the explosion of the Embassy staff. The Agency earlier reported that the explosion carried out a suicide bomber. He blew himself up in a car bomb near the German Embassy. The Agency noted that in the area of Kabul are also several embassies of other countries, therefore, the specific aim of the attack is still unclear. The NDTV TV channel in turn reported that the explosion occurred near the Embassy of India. The Minister of foreign Affairs Sushma Swaraj said on Twitter that all officials are safe.

The Board of the bloggers may receive in the state Duma

Photo: RIA Novosti In the state Duma Committee on information policy, information technologies and communications may establish a Council of popular bloggers. The proposal was made by a member of the Committee for physical culture, sports, tourism and Affairs of youth Vasily Vlasov. “We have to understand that now the new time. A huge number of our citizens have their pages in social networks and watching those or other bloggers, sometimes even more than television. Experience bloggers can contribute to the development of a competent strategy for interacting with citizens online” — said Vlasov.

Scientists: the genotype of the ancient Egyptians was very different from modern

Scientists: the genotype of the ancient Egyptians was very different from modern According to DNA testing of Egyptian mummies, the ancient Egyptians had little in common with the current inhabitants of this country, and with people now living in the Central and southern parts of Africa. As pointed out in a report published in the journal Nature Communications, a German archaeologist Johannes Krause, the study was aimed at specifically finding out the degree of relationship of ancient and modern Egyptians. In the end, scientists came to the conclusion that the inhabitants of Ancient Egypt were genotype close to the people of the Middle East — today’s Syria, Iraq, Turkey, Jordan, Lebanon and Israel. They conducted DNA tests approximately 90 mummies from tombs, made in the fourteenth century BC to IV century BC in the area South of Cairo. This helped researchers to understand how varied the population of Egypt during

Ariana Grande will perform at the benefit concert after the terrorist attack in Manchester

Ariana Grande will perform at the benefit concert after the terrorist attack in Manchester Money from ticket sales will go to help the families of those killed and injured in the explosion. Moscow. May 31. INTERFAX.RU American singer Ariana Grande will sing at a charity concert, which will raise funds to help victims and victims of the terrorist attack in Manchester, told BBC News. At the concert Grand in Manchester on may 22 bombing occurred. A suicide bomber detonated a bomb, which killed 22 people, fifty were injured, many of them are in critical condition. A suspect in the case — Salman, Abedi, a young man who managed to radicalists for two years. Four days before the explosion he returned home from Libya. Show in memory of the victims will be held at “old Trafford” cricket ground. It will be attended by many well-known performers: Justin Bieber, Coldplay, Katy Perry,

The fray deer or bear because the cub was filmed

The fray deer or bear because the cub was filmed A resident of the American city of Flagstaff, Arizona, Shannon Sevilla (Seville Shannon) took video of the attack on the American black bear to deer, elk. About it reports the edition Haffington Post. The bear approached the fawn, while his mother looked the other way. The cries of the baby attracted the deer, but the predator saw her approaching and quickly climbed up the tree. As soon as she turned away, the bear climbed down and reached back to the deer. This time the elk didn’t tarry and managed to kick the beast’s front hoof. After that, they fled in different directions. Sevilla claims that he saw a bear when traveling by car in the woods. “I knew that the chance of a lifetime, and other animal lovers will appreciate these pictures,” she says. A video posted by the woman

The AP learned about the request of trump world leaders to call him on his cell

Donald Trump The President of the United States Donald trump gives his mobile number to world leaders with whom he met and asks them to call him personally. On it informs Agency Associated Press, citing current and former American officials. In particular, your mobile number, the American leader gave the President of Mexico, Enrique peña Nieto, and the Prime Minister of Canada, Justin Trudeau, which, according to Agency sources, has already called Trump. Representatives of the French authorities said that the US President and his French counterpart Emmanuel macron exchanged phone numbers. It is noted that in this way the occupant of the White house neglects safety measures, breaking the previously established rules requiring heads of state to communicate on secure lines of communication. If trump uses his mobile telephone, his conversations can be overheard, notes the AP, with reference to the experts of national security.

The terrorist attack in Kabul killed a security guard of the Embassy of Germany

The guard of the German Embassy in Kabul, who is a citizen of Afghanistan, was killed in the attack. The information was confirmed by the German foreign Ministry. It also reported about several wounded members of the diplomatic mission. “I strongly condemn the terrorist attack in Kabul, which killed and injured dozens of people,” — reads the statement of the foreign Minister of Germany Sigmar Gabriel. “In the attack were wounded by the German Embassy. The guard, a citizen of Afghanistan, killed”, — the diplomat added. He called the attack especially vile as killing people who worked for Afghanistan’s future. According to the latest data, the victims of the bombing attack near the diplomatic mission, were more than 90 people. Earlier it was reported that the explosion in the Afghan capital occurred near the German Embassy. In addition to diplomatic missions, there are a number of agencies, including the national