The CPS told about the violations of the anti-Smoking law in 2017


© Fotolia / Sabphoto

The CPS for the first quarter of 2017, wrote more than 15.4 million rubles of fines for violation of the anti-Smoking law, according to the website of the Ministry.

As noted, in the first quarter of 2017, the CPS has brought to administrative responsibility more than 2 thousand violators of the requirements of the legislation in the field of health protection of citizens from exposure to tobacco smoke and consequences of tobacco consumption.

“Among them 212 legal entities. the Total amount assigned to administrative fines amounted to more than 15.4 million rubles”, — stated in the message.

According to the Agency, from 15 Nov 2013 (beginning of the application of anti-Smoking legislation) officials of the CPS prosecuted 54 thousand offenders, including more than 6.2 thousand legal entities.

