“VKontakte” set a record in Ukraine by number of users per day
On Tuesday, may 16, the social network “Vkontakte” (owned Mail.Ru Group) was visited by a record number of unique users from the Ukraine for a day or 18 million people. This is stated in the community “VK”.
Thus was broken the previous record of 16 million users a day, recorded February 21, 2017. “Yesterday, our social network has become the most popular Internet resource of the country”, — stated in the message of the company.
Social network among other major Russian Internet resources will now be blocked in Ukraine. The President of Ukraine Petro Poroshenko has signed a decree, which provides for the freezing of assets of companies, but also ban Internet providers to grant access to resources “Yandex” and Mail.Ru Group that owns the social networks “Vkontakte” and “Classmates”. The decree entered into force on 17 may.
In relation to Mail.Ru Group (and its Ukrainian “daughter” LLC “Mail. RU Ukraine”) penalties are imposed for a period up to 15 may 2020. During this time the company’s assets in Ukraine needs to be blocked, it is prohibited to withdraw capital out of the country, Ukrainian citizens and legal persons shall not conduct transactions with securities Mail.Ru Group and transfer her rights to any intellectual property or technology.
While caught in the sanctions list of online holdings think that the blocking will have no impact on their financial performance, but a negative impact on the users. “Because the share of Ukrainian business in the revenue structure Mail.Ru Group minor, we see no reason to adjust our financial plans and continue to develop actively in the market in different directions”, — stated in the message Mail.Ru Group.