Vladimir Putin
Internal political struggle in the United States creates tension in the world, said the President of Russia Vladimir Putin on Monday, may 15. His words are quoted by the correspondent of”.ru”.
“In the United States continues as we can see, acute internal political struggle that creates a certain nervousness, not only in politics but also in economy”, — said the head of state at a press conference after the visit to China, where hosted the forum of “One belt and one road”.
At the same time, European countries are anxiously watching how the “Brakcet”. “And the EU, as you know, there are many problems,” — said the Russian President.
In his opinion, on this background demand “signals, which would give hope for some stability.” Them consonant with the holding of a forum of “One belt and one road”, Putin said, adding that it had proposed to make the summit in a similar format constant.
“How it will be effective, time will tell. But all we said, either way works, one way or another we still do”, he added.
Earlier on Monday, Putin said that Russia supports the project “One belt and one road” and will actively participate in it together with partners. He stressed that the Eurasian integration process should be transparent.