Alexei Pushkov
The sanctions against Ukraine, Russian media and information resources contrary to all European conventions on freedom of expression. This opinion was expressed by the head of temporary Commission of the Federation Council’s information policy and interaction with mass media Alexei Pushkov, reports “Parlamentskaya Gazeta” on Tuesday, may 16.
“This violation of international conventions that have been signed by Ukraine itself,” — said the Senator. In his opinion, the West does not it will react because it “turns a blind eye to any breach of any international obligations of Ukraine”.
Introducing new sanctions, Kiev continues the line of isolation of the population from the Russian information field, believes Pushkov. “Ukraine promised freedom, and gives information dictatorship,” he concluded.
Earlier Tuesday the Russian foreign Ministry has condemned Kiev’s actions, stressing that the Ukrainian authorities “leaps and bounds moving to build an authoritarian state.”
On 16 may it became known that the President of Ukraine Petro Poroshenko has approved a new package of anti-Russian sanctions. Within the constraints imposed on Mail.Ru Group, came under the ban of the social network of “Vkontakte” and “Classmates”. In addition, blocked all services of “Yandex”, is restricted to broadcasting and restricted television companies “TV Center”, RBC, RTR, “Star”, “NTV-Plus” TNT, OTR and REN TV.