Tatiana Moskalkova
The Commissioner for human rights in Russia Tatiana Moskalkova concerned about the large number of secondary legislation (Ministerial) acts that in some way restrict the rights of Russians. According to the Constitution, restrictions on rights and freedoms of citizens are permitted only under the Federal laws stated in the Ombudsman’s report, excerpts of which on Tuesday, may 16, leads “Interfax”.
The Ombudsman also noted the weakness of the conceptual apparatus, the abundance of evaluation categories and vague wording in these documents. The shortcomings of regulation in the field of human rights and freedoms, according to Moskalkova, lead to “instability of legal regulation and creates opportunities for abuse.”
Such documents must be registered with the Ministry of justice, but this is not enough to provide enshrined in the Constitution guarantee rights and freedoms, according to the Ombudsman. In this regard she noted the need for additional “legislative support”.
Normative legal acts are adopted by bodies of state power and have a lower legal force than the law, they should not contradict him. They can be applied inside the departments of individual organizations in respect of specific individuals.