Users of Telegram addressed Pavel Durov, asking not to allow the prohibition of the messenger in Russia and give in to the demand of Roskomnadzor. Related petition appeared on the website
The authors of the petition argue that the leadership of the Telegram allegedly received the notification from Roskomnadzor about the need to provide data for inclusion in the register of organizers of information dissemination (ARI), but so far the Agency has not received a response. In the case of repeated disregard of the Federal service allegedly will block the program in Russia, according to the online statement.
“You want to protect our freedom, not answering to the appeal of Roskomnadzora and not once in the register of distributors of information. We ask You to prevent Telegram to the list of banned in Russia as messengers”, — stated in the appeal on behalf of the user to Durova.
Press Secretary of Roskomnadzor Vadim Ampelonskiy said “the” that the Agency does not comment on rumors.
5 may Roskomnadzor have blocked access to Chinese messenger WeChat. The reason for blocking was the failure to provide Department contact information. After the owner of the program agreed with the government’s request, on 11 may, the service became available to users.