the press service of the government of Sevastopol
The General plan of Sevastopol will retain the right of residents on land and houses. On Thursday, may 12, said the head of the Department of architecture and urban planning Alexander Molozhavenko, the Deputy of legislative Assembly Alexey Chaly and the developers of the document, said in a press release received by the editors”.ru”.
“Property rights are inviolable. No seizures of private property will not. The master plan does not carry such features, it is not the government’s job. The task of the government to develop a master Plan that the city could live a balanced life,” — said the representative of the developers of the General plan Andrei Gnezdilov.
Chaly, in turn, called for Sevastopol to actively take part in the discussion document. “The population of the city has a unique opportunity to participate in defining approaches to further development of urban areas (…). Sometimes your private interest necessary to forget and remember the public”, he added.
Molozhavenko, for its part noted that “the General plan of Sevastopol is open to the public document”.
3 may the head of the Department of architecture and urban planning stated that the discussion of the General plan of the city, some politicians turn into speculation. According to Molozhavenko, among the citizens there are the disturbing excitement after a series of speeches and publications on the General Plan. On the same day the acting Governor of Sevastopol Dmitry Ovsyannikov expressed the opinion that it is necessary from “criticism for critics to move on to constructive discussion and finalization of the master Plan taking into account the views of all residents”.
The exhibition of the draft master plan of the city in all administrations of municipal districts organized since April 24. Anyone can examine the document and write in a special journal their wishes and comments.