NASA showed the victim of the ancient flood-land of Mars

NASA showed the victim of the ancient flood-land of Mars

Space station MRO (Mars Reconnaissance Orbiter) made the plot of the surface of Mars, which, as suggested by planetary scientists, in ancient times were affected by flooding. Photo available on the NASA website.

In the letter, a fragment of table mountain, situated in the outflow channels Martian quadrangle oxyacetylene cutti Plus. The made scientific instrument HiRISE (High Resolution Imaging Science Experiment) station MRO, posted online may 12, 2017.

Martian orbital camera MRO was launched to Mars in 2005, and in 2006-m has reached the red planet. In 2008, its main mission has come to an end, but NASA has extended the operation of the probe. In addition to shooting the planet’s surface, the unit is involved in transmitting signals to earth from the Mars Rover.

