Hermitage cats congratulated on their professional holiday
As the press service of the Museum for the first time the day of the Hermitage cats was noted in 1999.
A holiday like St Petersburg, the Museum staff and by cats like to hold it every year.
Day Of The Hermitage Cat – 2017. #visit_hermitage #hermitage_museum
But the cat appeared here much earlier. Even Peter I live in the Winter Palace cat, which is specially brought from Holland.
Later, Elizabeth issued a special decree according to which from Kazan to St. Petersburg was supposed to send the best and biggest cats who can catch mice.
Responsible for cats treated and Catherine II. When it tailed Mouser became the official guards in the halls.
For a long time from the attacks of mice and rats unique items could be protected only by cats. But even modern means of protection from pests can’t give 100% result. This is why cats continue to live at the Hermitage. In the room with the works of art they are not allowed, however, tailed the guards are keeping watch in the basement.
In the framework of the Days of the cats of the Hermitage Museum visitors were able to see the very cellars. It was also organized a competition of children’s drawings, their art objects were presented by the students of art universities.
In addition, in the Winter Palace opened the exhibition of works of art devoted to cats.
Cats of the Hermitage turned into one of the legends of St. Petersburg. But they were not a closed caste. The Museum regularly throw cats sometimes animals take on the nurturing and compassionate staff.
Nevertheless, the cellars of the Winter Palace are allowed to keep only 50 tailed the guards. Therefore, the Hermitage periodically distributes cats.
As a rule, each such action is in Petersburg a huge hype: people who took home the Hermitage cats, say Pets have a good education and they are not alien to the sense of beauty.