Donald trump has signed a decree on strengthening the cybersecurity of the government

Donald trump has signed a decree on strengthening the cybersecurity of the government

The US President Donald trump has signed a decree aimed at strengthening the cybersecurity of the Federal government and protection of the country’s infrastructure from hacker attacks. About it reports Reuters referring to the representative of the administration.

According to the Agency, the decree is the first significant action of Mr. trump in the field of kiberbezopasnosti, which he called a top priority of his administration. The assistant to the us President for fight against terrorism and cybersecurity Tom Bossert noted that this decree is not associated with the actions of Russia.

“The Russians are not our only enemy in the Internet. Not only Russians are working on the Internet in a negative way”, — quotes Mr. Bossert TASS.

In April, the special representative of the President of Russia Andrey Krutskikh said that security in the information space can become one of the priority topics of the first meeting of presidents of Russia and the United States. He also said that Moscow had given Washington “a detailed official response to all the questions” about the alleged involvement of Russian secret services in the presidential elections in the United States. Moreover, according to Mr. Krutskikh, the Russian side has invited the new administration to agree on measures to prevent incidents in cyberspace.

