The United States expressed concern about the detention of an American citizen by the authorities of North Korea. As reported Reuters, said on Monday, may 8, White house spokesman Sean Spicer.
“This causes us concern and we are going to work through the Swedish Embassy, our state Department, and secure the release of detained persons,” said Spicer told reporters. Direct diplomatic relations between the U.S. and North Korea no, the interests of Washington in Pyongyang, the Swedish Embassy represents.
Kim HAK Sleep, working at the Pyongyang University of science and technology, was detained on Saturday, may 6, on suspicion of involvement in “hostile acts” against the state. Currently, he is the fourth American detained in North Korea.
Before that, in late April, was detained Kim sang Dok, which were related to the same school.
The Pyongyang University of science and technology was founded by Christian evangelists, and opened in 2010. As a rule, his students are the children of the elite of the country. In the curriculum there are items that were once considered tabuirovannykh in the DPRK — for example, the market economy.
Earlier, North Korean court were convicted of anti-state crimes 22-year-old student of Otto Wambier and 62-year-old missionary Kim Dong-Chul. Wambier was arrested in January 2016 and sentenced to 15 years hard labor for attempting to steal a propaganda poster. Two months later, Kim Dong-Chul was sentenced to 10 years hard labor for subversive activities. None of them appeared in public after the verdict.