Russians detained in Amsterdam for the attempted trafficking of poisonous reptiles

At Amsterdam airport arrested a Russian citizen who tried to smuggle in their Luggage live snakes, frogs and lizards. Reported Dutch News.

Reptiles are not representatives of rare or endangered species, but they were in plastic containers, which violates a local law on the protection of animals. This fact became a reason for detention.

According to the publication, a number of snakes and frogs are extremely poisonous. In particular, among the seized animals was discovered 26 vipers. Currently, all reptiles are referred to the content of the veterinary service.

The name of the detainee is a citizen of Russia is not known, but it is known that in the Netherlands, he arrived on a flight from Brazil.

15 Oct 2015 in Singapore to 15 months in prison was sentenced two Russians. The court found them guilty of attempting to smuggle more than 200 rare freshwater turtles.

