The Russian military has transferred more than three tons of humanitarian aid to the civilians of Syria



The Russian military has transferred more than three tons of humanitarian aid to the civilians of Aleppo and HOMS in Syria; another 20.4 tons of food from the UN Russian planes delivered in the district of Deir-ez-Zor, according to a humanitarian Bulletin of the Russian Center for reconciliation in Syria.

“During the day Russian Centre for reconciliation the warring parties conducted seven humanitarian actions in the provinces of Aleppo (six) and HOMS (one). In the city of Aleppo (in areas Hanan al-Amalia, Cecilia and Sheikh Maqsood, in mosques, in the areas of Makar al-Anbiya and al-Hamdaniya 3, in a student residence in the district of al-Sabha al-Kadhim) produced by the transfer of civilians to 0.94 tons of bread and 3 thousand servings of hot food. In the hospital in the area Plaza-Dahab in HOMS delivered to 3.29 tons of food, medicines and clothing and equipment”, — stated in the message.

It is noted that during the day the humanitarian aid received 4,7 thousand inhabitants. The total weight given to the population of humanitarian goods amounted to 4.95 tons.

In addition, the Russian aircraft using parachute platforms delivered 20.4 tons of food, obtained by the Syrian authorities by the UN, in the area of the city of Deir ez-Zor.

