NASA MAVEN saved the station from a collision with Mars

NASA MAVEN saved the station from a collision with Mars

Station MAVEN (Mars Atmosphere and VolatileEvolutioN) performed a maneuver in orbit around Mars, which allowed her to avoid a collision with Phobos — a satellite of the planet. It is reported by NASA.

The Agency sent a team to increase the speed of station, 0.4 meter per second. The acceleration is allowed to change the trajectory of MAVEN and to prevent a collision with Phobos, which could occur March 6.

Station and a natural satellite would be in one place every seven seconds. Now this happens with an interval of 1.5−2 minutes, which guarantees safe passage of the apparatus.

MAVEN is moving in an elliptical orbit around Mars and many times year for the earth crosses the path of Phobos and Deimos, the natural satellites of the planet. Adjustment became the first such procedure carried out since the arrival of MAVEN to the celestial body (21 Sep 2014).

The main objective of MAVEN is to determine the rate of efflux of gases (oxygen and hydrogen) from the Martian atmosphere. This will allow scientists to estimate the amount of water that loses its planet. Specialists are also interested in the climate of Mars, the data that is needed for manned missions.

