Unknown with a knife attacked a cameraman in Vladivostok
Moscow. On 23 February. INTERFAX.RU — the operator of the state TV and radio company (STRC) “Vladivostok” Maxim Kalenich was attacked by the unknown armed with a knife for cutting paper, reports on Thursday television and radio broadcasting company.
“On February 22 at approximately 21:30-22:30 p.m. when the operator GTRK “Vladivostok” Maxim Kalenich was heading toward the Pokrovsky Park, near the house on Partizansky prospect, 12, he was attacked. Unknown tried to stab him in the chest with a knife for cutting paper”, — stated in the message.
It is noted that at the moment of impact, the assailant slipped and fell, and the knife blade broke, having to to only damage the breast pocket of the jacket and the business card of the employee.
Kalenik believe the attack is not random and does not exclude that it can be connected with his professional activities
Unknown before the attack, called the operator by name.
“The police made the statement about the attack. Arrived at the scene the operative group. Now we are searching for the criminal,” — said the broadcaster.
Official comment from the police, the Agency “Interfax” does not yet have.