US suspected China’s missile deployment on disputed Islands


American military experts suspected China in the placement of the missiles “ground-air” on the disputed Islands in the South China sea (SCS). About it reports Reuters with reference to sources in the Pentagon.

US intelligence has documented the construction of nearly two dozen concrete objects with a retractable roof on the Islands of the Subie, Mischif, firi Cross and Spratly Islands. They also placed the runway for the Chinese air force.

“The Chinese did not build just like that. It’s not like them. Structures resemble silos for anti-aircraft missiles, so it is likely that they are,” — said the representative of the security services.

19 Feb carrier group, the US Navy began patrolling in the South China sea amid growing tensions between Washington and Beijing over the disputed borders in the region.

A month before that, the Chinese edition of Global Times has predicted the beginning of armed conflict between the US and China over the disputed territories.

The ownership of Islands in the South China sea disputed by mainland China, Taiwan, Malaysia, the Philippines, Vietnam and Brunei. Most tense is the situation around the Scarborough reef, also South of the Spratly archipelago.

