The senators decided to stop Trump to lift sanctions against Russia

Chuck Schumer

A group of members of the U.S. Senate from the Republican and Democratic parties intends to take steps to not allow President Donald Trump to lift sanctions against Russia. This was stated Sunday, January 22, in an interview with ABC News, one of the authors of the initiative by democratic Senator Chuck Schumer.

Next week, according to Schumer, he, along with party Ben Cardin plans to introduce in Congress a bill blocking the lifting of restrictions. The document, as noted by a Democrat, received support from Republican senators John McCain and Lindsey Graham.

“The lifting of sanctions Russia we say: “Continue to interfere in our elections and to do other bad things”… That would be awful,” said Schumer.

John McCain said about the necessity of tightening sanctions on Russia. “We need more sanctions against Russia. We don’t have to weaken them”, — quotes its words of Politico.

January 15, in an interview with Bild newspaper the Times and Donald trump made for the conclusion of nuclear agreements with Moscow in the framework of negotiations on the mitigation of anti-Russian sanctions. “Let’s see if we can make some good deals with Russia. I think I’ll start with the fact that nuclear weapons should be significantly reduced,” he said.

Press Secretary of the President Dmitry Peskov, in turn, said that no negotiations on the nuclear deal between the two countries is currently not conducted.

January 10, a number of senators-Republicans and Democrats, including John McCain, introduced a bill on sanctions against Russia because of cyber attacks and the situation in Ukraine and Syria. The document, in particular, foresees the introduction of restrictions for cooperation with the power structures of the Russian Federation, and also for the support of hackers. In addition, it restricts investment in the energy sector of Russia.

