Ukraine has not responded to the appeal of the Ministry of transport of the Russian Federation not to conduct a shooting near Crimea

© Sergei Savostyanov/TASS MOSCOW, December 1. /TASS/. Ukraine has not responded to the appeal of the Ministry of transport of the Russian Federation not to conduct aerial firing in the area of the Crimea, told journalists the Minister of transport of Russia Maxim Sokolov on the sidelines of the forum “Transport of Russia”.

In the Chelyabinsk boarding school found the body of a teenager

In the Chelyabinsk region in the room Lazurnenskogo boarding school Krasnoarmeyskiy district found the body of 13-year-old. This was reported on the website of the regional investigative Department of the investigative Committee. The corpse on the night of 30 November found the classmates of the deceased. Investigators began preliminary examination, set all the circumstances of the incident. “By results of check the procedural decision will be made, including the fact of possible bringing to suicide, and given the criminal legal evaluation of actions of employees of educational institutions”, — stated in the message of management. In August, two students were burned alive in a fire in a hut built in the forest near the city of Bratsk in Irkutsk region. It is noted that the two-level construction of dry boards broke out immediately and within minutes was completely engulfed in flames.

Donald trump has confessed his love for Pakistanis

Donald Trump The US President-elect Donald trump has promised to help Islamabad to resolve all the problems and talked about the sympathy for the Pakistanis. On Thursday, December 1, reports Reuters. Pakistani Prime Minister Nawaz Sharif called the Tramp late in the evening on Wednesday, November 30 to congratulate him on his election victory. In response, the President-elect uttered heartfelt speech. “I’m ready and willing to play any role you ask me to help you find the solution of the accumulated problems, promised trump. — It is an honor for me, and I’ll do it myself. Call me at any time. You have a great reputation, you’re an amazing guy and you’re wonderful at your job. Hope for a speedy personal meeting.” Pakistan, according to trump — “a country of amazing possibilities, and the Pakistanis — some of the smartest people in the world.” In response to the invitation of

Medvedev dismissed the Deputy head of Rosmolodezh

Photo: TASS Prime Minister of Russia Dmitry Medvedev released from the post of Deputy head of the Federal Agency for youth Affairs Sergey Chuev on their own, the relevant document published on the official portal of legal information. “Release Chuev Sergey Vladimirovich from the post of Deputy head of the Federal Agency for youth Affairs at its request”, — the document says. According to information on the website of Rosmolodezh, Chuev has held his post since 2014.

Ural armored fist of the army of Russia

Tank T-72B3 © Yuri Smityuk/TASS From 1 December in the Chelyabinsk and Sverdlovsk regions proceeds to task 90 guards Vitebsk-Novgorod Panzer division. The first plans to create a formation in the southern Urals was announced in January 2016, commander of the Central military district (CVO) Colonel-General Vladimir Zarucnicki. The connection will continue traditions of the Ural volunteer tank corps, formed in 1943. Why “black knives” The initiative for its creation came not from the army command, and from ordinary citizens — workers, farmers and employees in three regions: Sverdlovsk, Chelyabinsk and Molotov (now Perm Krai).

Detained at the Russian border by Ukrainian deserters began to testify

In the Rostov region questioning two Ukrainian deserters who had joined the Russian side. Defectors caught in two different areas. Each of the detainees explained that the armed forces of Ukraine he was drafted by force.   One of the recruits was taken despite the fact that his wife died, and the second was not allowed to care for her father. He added that in Ukraine nobody wants to fight,   In mid-November, Russian border guards detained another Ukrainian soldier, who said he intends to ask in our country for political asylum.   According to the detainees, in Ukraine, many believe the war is senseless and does not want to continue to kill citizens of their own country. Therefore, the decision about desertion, they adopted consciously.   We will remind, earlier it became known that the Russian border guards detained two Ukrainian soldiers Alexei Acuna and Bogdan Belozerova when crossing

In Canada, in the crash of a fighter pilot was killed

In Canada, in the crash of a fighter pilot was killed In the center of Canada near cold lake crashed fighter air force of the Kingdom CF-18, reports channel CTV with reference to the commander of the canadian air force Michael hood. According to him, the accident killed the pilot. It is noted that in cold lake on the border between the provinces of Alberta and Saskatchewan is the largest canadian air force base. According to the representative of Canada army Matt strong, currently at the scene are four crew rescue services. The source channel previously reported that the causes of the incident are established. The incident, according to CTV has already been discussed in the Senate of Canada. One of the MPs James Bezan called a crash with a CF-18 “horrible, horrible accident.” He also appealed to the Minister of defense of Canada Hardjito the Sajjan Singh with a

Named life-extending sports

Named life-extending sports People engaged in swimming, aerobics and tennis, to die from cardiovascular disease less often than those who prefer other sports. It found an international group of scientists led by experts from the University of Sydney. Briefly about the work described in the publication EurekAlert!. Psychologists analyzed data from 11 studies conducted from 1994 to 2006. In total in them have taken part more than 80 thousand people. The average age of respondents is 52 years. The organizers have set a goal to find out if there’s a connection between how sports are addicted to the Respondent, and life expectancy. In the result, it was found that the risk of death from cardiovascular disease was reduced in those who played tennis, at 56 percent compared to those who prefer running or football. Swimming and aerobics also reduced the probability of dying by 41 and 36 percent, respectively. Scientists

Obama rejected the possibility of nominating his wife for the post of President of the United States

Obama rejected the possibility of nominating his wife for the post of President of the United States According to the current head of the White house, Michelle Obama is too intelligent to engage in politics. Moscow. 30 Nov. INTERFAX.RU — President Barack Obama is convinced that his wife Michelle will never nominate his candidacy for the presidency. “Michelle will never run for President,” said Obama in an interview with Rolling Stone magazine. At the same time he added that his wife is a talented person, whose opinion is very important to Americans. See alsofashion Designer Michelle Obama announced Melania trump boycot joke and say that she’s too sensible to want to engage in politics.Barack Obamapresident USA Previously, users of social networks began to actively encourage the current first lady to stand as a candidate for the post of leader of the country and become the first female President of the

Russian foreign Ministry: Russia is worried about military of Turkey’s efforts in Syria to overthrow Assad

Deputy Minister of foreign Affairs of the Russian Federation Sergei Ryabkov © Artyom Korotayev/TASS MOSCOW, November 30. /TASS/. Moscow is concerned that the task of the overthrow of President Bashar al-Assad are beginning to catch up specific war effort. This was stated to journalists by the Deputy Minister of foreign Affairs of the Russian Federation Sergey Ryabkov, responding to a request to comment on the words of Turkish President Tayyip Erdogan that the purpose of the operation of Turkish troops in Syria is to overthrow leader Bashar al-Assad.