Published video violence teen from Russia over the adoptive family in the United States

Published video from the scene of the massacre of the 17-year-old Carl brewer shoot that you pulled, adopted in Russia, on their adoptive parents in Crowley, Texas. Footage taken immediately after the crime, published the website “Komsomolskaya Pravda“.   On shooting visible two-storeyed house where there lived a family with three adopted Russian children. The Windows and glass doorways in the building is damaged. It traces the arrest. To detain the teenager, the police called the SWAT team.   “It shocked all of us. It’s a tragedy that it happened during the holidays makes it even worse for everyone,” said the Sheriff of the parish where the murder was committed.   Earlier it became known that the police reported on a double murder asked a friend of the suspect. He said that 17-year-old Carl, while under the influence of marijuana, dealt with the mother and father. According to media reports,

Became known the cause of the crash with the football team in Colombia

Became known the cause of the crash with the football team in Colombia MEXICO city, 1 Dec — RIA Novosti. The reason for the recent crash of the Bolivian plane in Colombia that killed 71 people, was the lack of fuel in the liner, said Wednesday on a press-conferences the chief of service of aviation safety of civil aviation of Colombia Freddie Bonilla. 8фотографий8фотографий8фотографий The plane crashed on Tuesday in 50 kilometres from Medellin. On Board the aircraft were 77 people — 9 crew members and 68 passengers, including players and staff of the Brazilian football club “Epicoene” flying at the first meeting of the South American Cup final against “Atletico Nacional”. At the moment, survivors of a plane crash are six people, three of whom are players “Epicoene”: Alan Russel, Jackson Folman and Sampler Helio Neto. Total killed 71 people. “Having arrived at the scene and examined the wreckage,

The first issue of Charlie Hebdo in German came out with a caricature of Merkel

The first issue of Charlie Hebdo in German came out with a caricature of Merkel In the German version of the satirical magazine will be translations from the French, and there will also be exclusives for the German edition. MOSCOW, 1 Dec — RIA Novosti. French satirical weekly Charlie Hebdo, known for provocative content, first appeared in German language on the cover is a caricature of the German Chancellor Angela Merkel and Volkswagen was at the center of the “diesel” scandal in September 2015. The first batch went on sale in the amount of 200 thousand copies. Mostly in the journal are translations from the French, but there will also be exclusives for the German version. On the cover with the caption “VW supports Merkel” shows how Volkswagen mechanic “fixes” the Chancellor on the hydraulic lift. “Charlie Hebdo” auf Deutsch: Bahnhöfe fürs erste Große Heft #Merkel #CDU #VW

Deputy Medina has resigned

Deputy Medina has resigned Deputy Minister of culture of Russia Grigory Pirumov, resigned. About this informed the head of the Ministry of culture Vladimir Medinsky, transfers “RIA Novosti”. “He filed a statement on their own,” said Medina. He noted, “exit paperwork sent to the head of the government.” The final decision will accept it. See alsoIn the criminal case of the Deputy head of the Ministry of culture Pirumov there’s a new episode In March of this year Grigory Pirumov was detained by field investigators of FSB, and then arrested on charges of major embezzlement in the restoration of monuments of history — the Novodevichy monastery, the drama theatre in Pskov, St. John the Baptist monastery, the Museum of cosmonautics in Kaluga and Izborsk fortress. With him on the case also held several entrepreneurs. In mid-November, Pirumov pleaded guilty of embezzlement of funds. As reported by the investigator in the

Source: in the President’s administration rank the regions on the effectiveness of governors

© Mikhail Metzel/TASS MOSCOW, December 2. /TASS/. Office of the President of the Russian Federation on internal policy (UVP) will be engaged in the ranking of the regions for submission to the President of the Russian Federation of the performance of governors. About it has informed journalists a source in the presidential administration. According to him, currently “examining the effectiveness of the governors” on the basis of a number of “objective criteria”. In this work, compiled three lists of regions: the first will include the principals, the heads of which it is proposed to replace, in the second are those where the leaders “just don’t change”, and the third – those on which the decision is not obvious. “The first list, I think, will be small”, – said the source. He said that this work will take “one to two months,” so that lists can appear in early 2017. “It

The President was delighted, “smart entertainment” Russians

Vladimir Putin The President of Russia Vladimir Putin has approved the use of “smart entertainment” among Russians. He stated this on Friday, 2 December, the correspondent “”. “More and more people prefer meaningful, so in Russian to say, “smart entertainment”,” — said the head of state. According to him, about 120 million Russians annually visit museums, 39 million theatres. “I do not know any other country in the world, comparable in population if there are such indicators,” he said. For residents of Russia becoming “a pressing need” to have regular exhibitions, concerts of classical music, and this attitude needs to be retained, said the President. He paid attention and the subject of literature. “Russian language and Russian literature has always defined our shared spiritual and moral values of the peoples of the Russian Federation, helping to preserve our cultural code, pass it on to new generations,” — said the head

In the Scenarios considered the new Conception of foreign policy non-confrontational

Konstantin Kosachev A new foreign policy Concept signed by President Vladimir Putin on 1 December, is not confrontational. The Chairman of the Federation Council Committee on international Affairs Konstantin Kosachev wrote in his blog on the website of the upper house of Parliament. Kosachev described the document as “Concept of continuity” and noted that it requires a deep understanding. According to the Senator, the Concept reflects the dramatic changes in world politics over the last three years, the Ukrainian crisis, the rise of international terrorism, the aggravation of the North Korean nuclear issue, the immigration crisis in Europe. The Senator was particularly marked in the document the idea of promoting Russian interests with “soft power”, in particular, the Russian media in the global information space and civil society. “The concept doesn’t look confrontational towards anyone — on the contrary, the willingness to cooperate is confirmed in relation to any of

What awaits the Russian army in the new academic year

© Yevgeny Kurskov/TASS December 1 in the Russian army started a new school year. Main priority is improving the quality of training based on combat experience of modern armed conflicts. The Russian defense Minister Sergei Shoigu instructed and required to take into account the experience of using videoconferencing and the Russian Navy in Syria in case of individual training of military personnel, and to implement it into the program of the military schools. In 2017 we will continue the practice of conducting inter-specific and bilateral exercises with the relocation of aviation and the transfer of troops to unfamiliar grounds, including in the framework of a sudden military checks.

The Ukrainian military have complained of frigate of the Russian Federation, Otonashi them from the rig

The chief military Prosecutor of Ukraine Anatoly Matios complained about the Russian frigate “Inquisitive”. On his page on Facebook he wrote that the warship allegedly did not let the ship with the Ukrainian border guards to the Russian drilling rig in the Black sea.   “The thirtieth of November and 1st of December military prosecutors together with officers of the state border service and other law enforcement and government agencies made out of the sea to the Odessa gas field in the Black sea. It was a difficult investigation event,” he wrote.   According to Matios, the event is even more complicated by the fact that the installation is protected by a guard frigate of the black sea fleet. The Ukrainians warned that they approached the installation in violation of, and drove away.   “As in war”, – said the Prosecutor.   Earlier, Ukraine announced its intention to apply for