The Caucasus has promised more money for efficiency

Lev Kuznetsov The Federal center is ready to increase financing of the North Caucasus in 2018 if the corresponding regions will show high results. This was announced by the head of Minkowksi Lev Kuznetsov on Friday, December 2, RIA Novosti reported. “I have the order of the President, in the case of our efficient work, we have the right to come and ask for more in 2018. But at the same time showing real results, demonstrating that the design method we have implemented simple indicators,” he said at the forum “Russian Caucasus”. Development of public funds, the formation of a new investment climate and creating new jobs are the main tasks, said the Minister. In 2017 for the implementation of the state program of development of the North Caucasus Federal district until 2025, provided 13.7 billion rubles, the Agency said. In late October, Finance Minister Anton Siluanov has proposed to

Lavrov praised the new US proposals on Syria

Aleppo U.S. Secretary of state John Kerry gave Moscow new proposals on the Syrian settlement. The Minister of foreign Affairs of Russia Sergey Lavrov said after talks with his Japanese counterpart Fumio Kishida on Saturday, December 3, RIA Novosti reported. “Yesterday John Kerry at our meeting with him in Rome and gave us suggestions that are in line with approaches that have long otstaivaya Russian experts on the negotiations with the Americans,” — said the Minister. Lavrov recalled that during earlier negotiations, the parties discussed a joint action scheme, which primarily involves the dissociation of the moderate opposition from the terrorists, and then “work together for the purposes of terrorist groups”, reports TASS. “Unfortunately, dissociation did not take place, so this agreement the Americans could not be fulfilled,” he said. Lavrov stressed that Washington on consultations in Geneva to resolve the conflict in Aleppo, Syria, until December 2, sought “to

Putin: the natural increase of the population of the Russian Federation above, than in Europe

Photo: RIA Novosti Russian President Vladimir Putin, speaking to Parliament, said that the natural increase of the population of Russia continues. It is higher than in most European countries, stressed the head of state. “I can not say a few words about what is really going on, what we have, what we have achieved. Natural population growth continues. In 2013, demographers have such a thing as “birth rate”, he is in Russia amounted to 1.7, which is higher than in most European countries, I, for example, say, Portugal to 1.2 in Spain, Greece — 1,3, Austria, Germany, Italy and 1.4 in the Czech Republic is 1.5, that the data for 2013. In 2015 the total fertility rate in Russia will be even more bare, but still more — of 1.78″, — said Putin. Speaking of the people of the Russian Federation, the President also noted that today citizens have United

In the Crimea has responded to the arrest of Ukraine’s “Scythian gold”

Crimean authorities have imposed Ukraine commented on the arrest on the collection of the “Scythian gold”, which belongs to the Crimean museums. According to the Vice Prime Minister of the Russian Peninsula Georgy Muradov, the Ukrainian gesture would not have legal consequences, according to RIA Novosti.   “The court’s decision, which seized the Crimean Museum exhibits, means nothing. They can take as many provocative solutions for the legal side it is not very important,” said Muradov.   Earlier it became known that Ukraine is trying to get Interpol to take “the Scythian gold”, owned by the museums of the Crimea and currently located in Amsterdam. With this purpose in Kiev has sent to the international organization the decision of Pechersk district court about the arrest of the exhibition. Photo: Werner Forman Archive / Globallookpress

The source admitted the loss of “Progress”

The source admitted the loss of “Progress” Russian spacecraft “Progress MS-04” can be lost, told TASS source in the space industry. In his view, “likely to be the most negative scenario”. The interviewee noted that this can occur due to the release of the ship into an unplanned orbit. Russian spacecraft “Progress MS-04” can be lost, told TASS source in the space industry. “Likely to be the most negative scenario,” — said the expert. He noted that this can occur due to the release of the ship into an unplanned orbit. Telemetry data stopped coming in 383 seconds after start of the carrier rocket “Soyuz-U” with transport cargo vehicle “Progress MC-04”. The problem occurred at the stage of operation of the engine of the third stage RD-0110. At the moment experts find out the situation. Start “Soyuz-U” has occurred from the Baikonur cosmodrome at 17:52 Moscow time. Start of the

Geologists have estimated the total mass of everything that is man-made

Geologists have estimated the total mass of everything that is man-made Houses, bridges, mining shovels, cars, a barn for your country and stuff that is stored there — the man has created so many good things. Have you ever thought about how much all this weighs? A multinational team of geologists first estimated the total mass of all the physical objects of the technosphere of the Earth. See alsoChina began the fight against the desert One of the study’s authors, Professor of Geology and civil engineering from Duke University Peter Huff defines the technosphere as a set of complex social structures, together with physical infrastructure and technological artifacts, including energy, information and material flows. To the technosphere include, for example, power plants, roads, buildings, planes, and even ballpoint pens. At the same time, according to Huff, the technosphere is a system with its own dynamics, and people control it to

The White house supported the idea of staging the women in military records

The White house supported the idea of staging the women in military records WASHINGTON, 2 Dec. /Offset. TASS Anatoly Bochinin/. The US administration on Thursday, in fact, supported the proposal by the Pentagon to put women in the military register. The announcement was made by an official representative of national security Council at the White house, Ned Price. “The obstacles to military service is eliminated, in this connection, the administration as a next step considers logical the statement of the women in military service”, — reads the statement of the price. However, he notes that the White house does not intend to return the call, abolished in 1973. Citizens, including women, who are on military accounting, will be mobilized only if the country’s participation in a full-scale war. Earlier, the Minister of defense Ashton Carter announced that the us girls have the right to serve in the armed forces in

The Ministry of transport: the rocket fire in Ukraine has not affected the civil aviation of the Russian Federation

Maxim Sokolov © Dmitry Serebryakov/TASS MOSCOW, December 3, /TASS/. Of accidents over the Black sea in the days of missile exercise of the Armed forces of Ukraine (APU) was not there, the civil aviation of the Russian Federation exercises are not affected. This was reported to journalists by the RF Minister of transport Maxim Sokolov.

Putin urged to reduce red tape in obtaining Russian citizenship

President Vladimir Putin has urged to simplify the procedure of obtaining Russian citizenship, especially for immigrants from the former Soviet republics. He stated this on Friday, 2 December, reports “Interfax”. “I have repeatedly drawn the government’s attention to the fact that the issues of Russian citizenship, especially certain categories of citizens of the former republics of the Soviet Union, that these issues should be minimum of bureaucracy,” — said the Russian leader. The President also instructed to study the question of relief for figures of culture and art. “For creative people definitely have something to offer. Let’s try to get out of this situation”, — he said. In this regard, measures to eliminate bureaucratic barriers should not degrade the level of security, Putin said. November 29, American economist and former assistant for economic policy US Treasury Secretary in the administration of President Ronald Reagan asked Russian citizenship. Last week, the

The first engineers from Russia arrived in Syria

© Anton novoderezhkin/TASS, archive MOSCOW, December 3. /TASS/. The vanguard of the Russian military engineers arrived at the base Hamim and will soon start demining the liberated areas of Eastern Aleppo. This was reported to journalists the Ministry of defence of the Russian Federation. “To the airfield Hamim in the Syrian Arab Republic arrived the vanguard of the International anti-mine centre of the Armed forces of the Russian Federation. Soon military engineers will begin the task of humanitarian demining of the liberated Syrian army fighters from Eastern districts of the city of Aleppo”, – stated in the message Department. The defense Ministry said that Syria profits the most prepared professionals with experience in such operations, including in Palmyra. The squad entered the canine unit. “As the advanced detachment of the delivered by special engineering machinery and equipment”, – the Ministry added. About the dispatch to Syria of the first group