Putin explained how to find a common language with trump

Russian President Vladimir Putin expressed uverennosts what the US President-elect Donald trump, who has reached great heights in the business, able to quickly understand the degree of responsibility of new position. He told about it in interview to the program “week” with Irada Zeynalova.   According to the Russian leader, trump already outgrown “stage Kommersant”. “Today it is the statesman, today it is the head of the United States of America, one of the leading countries of the world, one of the leading economies of the world leading military power. And since he was able to succeed in business, it suggests that he is an intelligent man”.   So the head of state answered the question, will it be easy to find a common language with trump – businessman, who sees the state as a Corporation.   Putin said: “…If an intelligent man, so he quite quite quickly aware of

“Progress” summed up the third stage of a Soyuz

“Progress” summed up the third stage of a Soyuz Russian rocket failed to deliver a cargo ship to the ISS. Yesterday, the carrier rocket “Soyuz-U” was unable to deliver to the International space station cargo ship “Progress-MS-04”. The flight was terminated at 382 seconds, after a while not burned in the atmosphere fragments fell in Tuva. “Roskosmos” and NASA claim that the life of crew loss of vehicle is not affected. The cause of the accident has yet to establish a special Commission. According to “Kommersant”, the reason for the accident could be the premature opening of the combustion chamber of the engine of the third stage RD-0110. Videospaceship “Progress” has burnt down almost immediately after the start Start “Union” from the 31st launch pad of the Baikonur cosmodrome occurred at 17:51 Moscow time. Specialists of the Moscow Mission control was hoping to take “Progress-MS-04” control immediately after separation from

Film Director Sokurov said he was pleased with the content of the conversation with Putin

Film Director Sokurov said he was pleased with the content of the conversation with Putin Sokurov at the same time expressed the hope that the President will reconsider the decision on Oleg Sentsov. SAINT PETERSBURG, 2 Jun — RIA Novosti. Film Director Alexander Sokurov told reporters that he was pleased with the content of the conversation with Russian President Vladimir Putin, however, expressed hope that the President will reconsider the convicted Ukrainian Oleg Sentsov. On Friday during a joint session of Council under RF President on culture and art of the presidential Council on the Russian language Sokurov asked Putin to release Sentsov. Read alsoPutin took note of this “sensitive issue,” the liberation Sentsov The head of state said that Sentsov was convicted not for creativity, but for the fact that it was dedicated to terrorist activities, the court’s decision in his case rendered, and for his release need to

The Kremlin is preparing a “revision” of the regions ‘ efficiency

The Kremlin is preparing a “revision” of the regions ‘ efficiency The internal policy Department of the Kremlin administration plans to study the work of the regional authorities and to rank the regions from the point of view of their effectiveness. MOSCOW, 2 Jun — RIA Novosti. The administration of the Kremlin is preparing to analyze the efficiency of regions, including the situation in the economy, said a senior Kremlin source. Read takeaway: the fight against corruption is not a show “In the beginning of 2017 the internal policy Department plans to rank the regions for submission to the President from the perspective of efficiency,” he said. According to him, the results of the analysis of economic status of the regions will be drawn up three lists — where the user manages, where unable to cope and where to continue the monitoring. “This work will occupy from a month to

Putin noted the failure of attempts to create a unipolar world

Vladimir Putin Attempts to create a unipolar world was not successful, so now the world balance of power is gradually being restored. This opinion in the program “week” on NTV, said President of Russia Vladimir Putin. “And I think, for anybody not a secret, everyone can see that already many of our partners prefer to refer to principles of international law, because the balance is gradually restored. Well, it’s inevitable!” — quotes the President “Interfax”. According to Putin, Russia has always considered necessary with respect to the interests of other countries, protecting their national interests. “So we’re going to build our relations with all our other colleagues,” — said the Russian leader. On 30 November, the President signed a decree that approved the new concept of Russian foreign policy. Foreign policy activity of the state, says the concept is aimed at “providing the country’s security, its sovereignty and territorial integrity,

Bird flu forced the Japanese to destroy half a million chickens

In the Japanese Niigata Prefecture was destroyed 540 thousand chickens due to outbreaks of avian influenza. About it reports on Sunday, December 4, the Agency Kyodo. According to him, the lesions were observed on two farms in the area. Moreover, the flu struck birds in the Northern Prefecture of Aomori. In connection with threat of distribution of a virus, scored 18 thousand ducks. Outbreak of avian influenza has forced local authorities to restrict the transport of chickens and eggs within a radius of 10 kilometers from each farm. At the same time, the Agency reports that four farms in the province Sekikawa and two in Joetsu, have now resumed the shipment of eggs and other products after completing the required inspections. In regions of the virus were sent to the soldiers of the national defense Forces which participated in the slaughter of poultry in special protective suits, reports TASS. “The

“Tymoshenko – President, Lyovochkin, Prime Minister” – the leader of “Batkivshchyna” commented on the rumors

The leader of the party “Batkivshchyna” Yulia Timoshenko in interview to TV channel “112 Ukraine” truthfully told about what is happening behind the scenes Ukrainian politics.   According to Tymoshenko, her political party is the only one who acts in opposition to the current President Poroshenko. That is why her companions always had a hard time. Openly declare your protest against the current system not everyone is capable of, she said.   “We can only say for myself. We were thrown in jail, have criminal cases opened, our party tried to break up our political power tried to destroy repression. Today, in Ukraine, in millions of copies in the local press out of “jeans” that “Tymoshenko – the President, the Lyovochkin – Prime” or “Tymoshenko – the hand of the Kremlin”. This today overwhelmed the whole of Ukraine. I can say that if we were part of the clan system,

Investigators were allowed to leave Russia the leader of the Space Marouani

Investigators were allowed to leave Russia the leader of the Space Marouani Investigators CSO GU MVD in Moscow after an additional survey, which lasted 6 hours, let the leader of the French group, Didier Marouani and lawyer Igor Trunov, allowing Marouani to leave Russia. About it RBC was told by the lawyer Lyudmila Aivar. “The city inspectors after 6-hour conversation not charged the leader of the French group Space, Didier Marouani and his lawyer, Igor Trunov,” said Ivar. The lawyer added that “tomorrow Marouani leave Russia”. VideoBattle of the heavyweights: Philip was the hero of “Thriller” Also, according to the lawyer, Maruani returned personal belongings, previously seized during the arrest. “Didier returned the phone and the phone of his lawyer, the guard and the interpreter left,” — said Ivar. Thursday, December 1, the police again summoned the leader of the French group Space, Didier Marouani, his lawyer, Igor Trunov for

In a California metro found the remains of mastodons age 10 thousand years

In a California metro found the remains of mastodons age 10 thousand years During the work on extension of metro Los Angeles, California, workers came across the bones of a mastodon, which became extinct about 10 thousand years ago. This writes Gizmodo. It is noted that the skull, teeth, tusks and other fragments of the animal were found on the eve of thanksgiving (November 24), however this was not reported because it is impossible to establish their authenticity. The city authorities appealed to the paleontologists from other States to study findings. Scientists have also conducted additional scanning of the ground and found the remains of one individual. At the moment, experts are studying animal bones. After that, they will be placed in the natural history Museum of Los Angeles. Thursday, December 1, archaeologists discovered in the heart of Mexico city under the supermarket of an ancient Aztec temple dedicated to