The culprit of large road accident in Ugra was the bus driver

The culprit of large road accident in Ugra was the bus driver EKATERINBURG, 4 Dec — RIA Novosti, Olga Erachina. The bus driver’s fault, according to preliminary data, in a major accident on the highway Tyumen — Khanty-Mansiysk in Khanty-Mansiysk, told RIA Novosti on Sunday representative of the management of the Affairs of the region. As previously reported RIA Novosti source in the emergency services, bus collision with a truck and two cars killed 10 people, among them, according to preliminary data, nine children. “The bus collided with a wagon. According to preliminary data, blame the bus driver. He was deployed. We have severe weather conditions. The collision that killed eight people, including two adults and six children aged 12 to 14 years. The number of victims is now specified. The Route Khanty-Mansiysk — Tyumen. The bus moved out of the city of Khanty-Mansiysk”, — said the Agency interlocutor. She

Saratov oblast changed time zone

Saratov oblast changed time zone The Chairman of the public chamber of the Saratov region Alexander Lando stated that Saratov oblast has moved to a new time zone (GMT+1) on Sunday at 02:00 hours, reports TASS. “The decision on whether, in the Saratov region to translate arrows on an hour forward was not taken immediately. It was preceded by a long discussion, there were a lot of opinions. However, about 70% of the residents voted for the measure. And today, the region moved to a new time zone +1 hour Moscow time,” — said Lando. According to representatives of the public chamber of the region, such a decision will help to extend daylight hours and will have a positive impact on the wellbeing and health of residents. In June it was reported that the Novosibirsk oblast changed time zone.

The UK will continue to provide the sanctions pressure on Russia

The UK will continue to provide the sanctions pressure on Russia LONDON, 4 Dec. /Offset. TASS Igor Brovarnik/. The UK will continue to provide the sanctions pressure on Russia in connection with its actions in Syria, said on air of the broadcasting Corporation “Bi-bi-si” the Minister of foreign Affairs of the United Kingdom, Boris Johnson. “If you look at the Russian economy, it is not in very good condition,” says Johnson. “It is reduced, this is partly due to the fall in oil prices, but also due to the sanctions. The UK plays a leading role in the application of sanctions and will continue to do it,” he said. As previously stated the head of Russian foreign Ministry Sergei Lavrov, Russia concentrated on the creation of such conditions that the economy is not dependent on sanctions. “We focused on how to provide the conditions for our economy that will not

Orel Governor saw in the bench of the symbols of the Third Reich

Vadim Potomsky The Governor of Orel region Vadim Potomsky called on the eagle to look at the bench, the design of which has caused discontent of the citizens. About it reports the Internet-the edition “the Oryol news” Monday, December 5. The bench was installed a few days ago on Lenin street, where residents had questions for the lateral supports in the form of an eagle, spread wing, the site notes. “The eagle is similar to the symbolism of the Third Reich. The eagle may look different, but for me personally, it causes rejection,” said the head of the region, noting that the bench is better to remove. In October, the monument to Ivan the terrible in the eagle wearing the bag. Vandal was a resident of Yaroslavl, the police gave him a ticket. In July, Vadim Potomsky has made a resonant statement about what Ivan the terrible did not kill

Merkel regretted about the future resignation, Renzi

Matteo Renzi and Angela Merkel German Chancellor Angela Merkel expressed regret on the future resignation of his Italian counterpart Matteo Renzi. About it reports Reuters. “The Chancellor received the news about the resignation of the Prime Minister of Italy, unfortunately — said a spokesman for Merkel, Steffen Seibert. They worked great with Matteo Renzi hand in hand and trust each other, but a democratic solution to the Italian voters, as well as the decision of the Prime Minister, should be respected.” Seibert said that Berlin intends to continue to cooperate closely with the Italian government, regardless of who will lead it after retirement Renzi. The Prime Minister promised to resign if the Italians will reject his plan of constitutional reform. After you know the results of the plebiscite, the opposition, particularly the leader of the opposition party “Northern League” Matteo Salvini, called for Renzi to immediately leave the post. The

The Russian squadron in the Mediterranean was accompanied by up to eight NATO ships

Aircraft carrier group of the Navy of Russia on the way to the Mediterranean sea accompanied by up to eight ships of the NATO countries. In an interview with VGTRK said the commander of the naval fleet Admiral Vladimir Korolev.   According to him, the ship group of the Northern fleet went off on October 15 in the campaign in the North-Eastern Atlantic and the Mediterranean sea. The group included the carrier Admiral Kuznetsov, the heavy nuclear missile cruiser “Pyotr Veliky”, large anti-submarine ships “Severomorsk” and “Vice-Admiral Kulakov” and support vessels.   “Up to eight ships accompanied us with access to the UK. But no violations of international Maritime legislation was not”, – said Korolev.   At the same time commander of the Russian Navy was not surprised by the reaction of NATO.   “We for the first time since the construction of a heavy aviabearing cruiser used our marine

The fire, at a rave party in Oakland could have been killed up to 40 people

The fire, at a rave party in Oakland could have been killed up to 40 people In the city of Oakland, near San Francisco, in a warehouse, where he held a rave party, there was a fire, reports CBS. As reported by local authorities, the fire could have been killed up to 40 people, the death of nine confirmed. Clarifies that the musicians used the warehouse for work and life, but they didn’t have official permission for this, and also for conducting musical concert. The causes of the fire are being investigated. The fire lasted for hours, during this time, collapsed the roof on the second floor of the building, which was connected with the first level of the temporary wooden staircase. In the building where the fire occurred, there was no fire extinguishers and smoke detectors. According to the Voice of America, in order to bring the situation under

Physicist Stephen Hawking was released from hospital in Rome

Physicist Stephen Hawking was released from hospital in Rome British physicist Stephen Hawking was released from the hospital in Rome, where he was hospitalized the day before, reports Reuters. The representative of the Gemelli hospital, where it usually takes treatment of the priests, announced that the state of the Hawking is good and he can return to the UK on Saturday as planned. See alsoStephen Hawking was hospitalized in Rome Yesterday the representative of Hawking announced that a scientist who came to Rome to participate in the Symposium at the Pontifical Academy of Sciences, felt unwell, and then was taken to the hospital. A source at the clinic said that a physicist will spend in the hospital overnight, but stressed that “the situation is under control.” The representative of the physics also noted that his ailment is not regarded as serious. In the early 1960s, Hawking was diagnosed with amyotrophic