In the Kremlin commented on the adoption of a new Doctrine of information security

© EPA/MARIO RUIZ MOSCOW, 6 Dec. /TASS/. The information security doctrine, approved on December 6, the research does not exclude diversity of opinion, however, opposes attempts to pressure Russia by manipulating historical facts. This was reported to journalists the press Secretary of the President Dmitry Peskov, commenting on point of Doctrine, prescribing the neutralization of informative influence aimed at undermining the historical bases and Patriotic traditions of the country.

The Duma parties have offered to chip in 100 rubles on self

The Chairman of the party “For justice” Vladimir Ponomarenko has criticized the Duma’s decision to increase funding for parliamentary parties. On Tuesday, December 6, the correspondent “reports”. “[The state Duma] took the decision to raise the cost of votes from 110 to 152 rubles, while in hard time, we should probably pursed and deputies, and the more parties”, — said Ponomarenko reporters following the meeting, representatives of non-parliamentary parties with the leadership of the lower house of Parliament. He invited the deputies to refuse budget money and to become self-supporting. “You are considered parties-one million. Let each member of your party will pay 100 rubles, and you will be financing,” — said Ponomarenko. Parliamentarians, he said, did not support either the idea or trade-offs: to reduce budget financing, or at least leave it unchanged. Vice-speaker of the Duma Alexander Zhukov, in turn, in the course of the meeting invited

WP reported the concealment of Pentagon spending by 125 billion dollars

The Pentagon probably decided to get rid of the report with the audit results, which revealed 125 billion dollars of unjustified spending. On Tuesday, 6 December, reports The Washington Post, citing interviews and confidential documents placed at the disposal of edition. According to the publication, in January 2015 a report was prepared, in which the defense Department has offered the “easiest way” to save 125 billion over five years. He did not include dismissal of employees or sending the military into the reserves assumed only the optimisation of the administrative structures: for example, sending servants early retirement, the rejection of costly projects with external contractors and greater use of information technology. The audit revealed that American taxpayers had more than one million workers in support functions, which are hardly beneficial to the troops. The leadership of the defense Department nevertheless decided to classify the sources referenced in the report, and

Ministry of culture: “the Financial crisis” does not threaten the Russian state circus company

Photo: RIA Novosti “The financial crisis” does not threaten the Russian state circus company, said “Газете.Ru” Deputy Minister of culture Alexander Zhuravsky. “The Russian state circus company largely carries the burden for the management of a priori subsidized circuses: this is especially true of circuses in small towns – said Alexander Zhuravsky. – However, all pre-existing financial problems next year will disappear, as they will take on the founder of the Russian state circus company – the Ministry of culture of Russia”. Informed about the financial problems of the main circus organizations in the country said the dismissed from his post of Director of St.-Peterburgskogo circus on Fontanka Michael Smorodkin. According to media reports, entry into structure of the Russian state circus company of the circus is discussed in the Ministry of culture with the summer of 2015. Michael Smorodkin and the Union circus performed against similar enterprises. In their

In Parliament suggested that Ukraine become a nuclear power

The deputies from the Radical party has acted in Parliament with the initiative of restoration of nuclear status for Ukraine. Such a bill appeared on the Parliament website as a registered – still no text. The document is called “On recognition invalid the Law of Ukraine “On accession of Ukraine to the Treaty on the nonproliferation of nuclear weapons of 1 July 1968″, and to restore the rights of Ukraine’s nuclear weapons.”   Similar bills not for the first time are registered in the Verkhovna Rada. The foreign Ministry of each country is commented that the official position of the authorities on the matter does not change, writes TASS. President Petro Poroshenko also stated that Ukraine does not intend to resume the nuclear status of the country.   The leader of the radicals Oleg Lyashko on the eve of the proposed start rebuilding nuclear weapons in Ukraine, explaining it by

The tragedy in Yugra: what is known about the death of riding in the competitions of children

The tragedy in Yugra: what is known about the death of riding in the competitions of children In the Khanty-Mansi Autonomous area (Yugra) has faced the truck and bus competition back children team in sports acrobatics. According to recent reports, killed 11 children and an adult. Police reported that the bus driver seven times over two years violated traffic regulations. Accident on 926 kilometer of the highway Khanty-Mansiysk – Tyumen. Official информация8 (3467) 397-777Телефон “hot line” in the Main Department of EMERCOM of Russia for KHMAO – Ugrupowanie The official website of the Main Department of EMERCOM of Russia in the Khanty-Mansi Autonomous district – Yugra 31 km from Khanty-Mansiysk, on the Federal highway Tyumen — Khanty-Mansiysk on Sunday, December 4, a major accident: collided with a truck, a passenger bus and two cars. In the bus, as reported by the Investigative Committee of Russia (TFR), there were 32 passengers,

It turned out, as concern about appearance affects salary men

It turned out, as concern about appearance affects salary men Concern about appearance has officially become a marker of success. American researchers have found that the difference in salary between manicured and untidy men can reach 20% In monetary terms, is still sadder: untidy men lose up to $20 000 per year. Of course, if they are not geniuses, at work everything is possible, because the effectiveness overshadows all misunderstandings associated with the appearance. As shown by a study conducted at the University of Chicago and the University of California, Irvine, no matter whether the appealing employee or not: grooming eliminates this difference, reports “Kommersant”. While Euromonitor International reports that the market of men’s cosmetics for 15 years and has increased 18-fold, and in Russia for 70% of men buy shaving tools, 66% use Cologne or perfume, and 57% become deodorant.See alsoRussians among the three most ugly in the world

On Monday the UN security Council will vote on a resolution on a truce in Aleppo

On Monday the UN security Council will vote on a resolution on a truce in Aleppo Moscow. 5 Dec. INTERFAX.RU — the resolution on the ceasefire in the Syrian city of Aleppo, is expected to be discussed Monday at a meeting of the UN security Council, told reporters the diplomats in the world body. The document States in particular that “all parties to the Syrian conflict should immediately cease any attack in the city of Aleppo for urgent humanitarian access”. Draft resolution submitted by Egypt, New Zealand and Spain for quite a long time was discussed by stakeholders and provides for a truce in Aleppo for seven days. Earlier in the text were offered a truce for 10 days. See alsoKerry that a political solution to the conflict in Syria Observers note that although the authors of the project have certain concessions, reducing the originally proposed term “silence” is not

Volodin: Russia does not consider itself the goal of returning to the PACE

Vyacheslav Volodin © Anna Isakova/press service of the state Duma of the Russian Federation/TASS MOSCOW, 6 Dec. /TASS/. Russia does not consider itself the goal of returning to work in the Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Europe (PACE), said the Chairman of the state Duma Vyacheslav Volodin at a meeting with Secretary General of the Council of Europe (COE) Thorbjørn Jagland.