Parents learned about their daughter's profession and stopped communicating with her

The girl told her parents what she was working for, after which they stopped communicating with her Reddit user aitarealjob shared a story about how She revealed her profession and earnings to her family, after which her family stopped communicating with her. The author of the post said that she works as a nanny for two children with special needs. “I earn about 120 thousand dollars a year, I live in a family guest house and do not pay rent,” the girl said and added that the family also bought her a car so that she could carry the children. “My parents believe that any job in the field of childcare is not a real job,” complained the heroine of the story. “When I said that I wanted to specialize in preschool education, they told me that I can either choose an 'acceptable' specialty, or they will not pay for

The bride canceled the wedding at the last moment due to the behavior of the groom's parents

The girl refused to marry during the wedding due to the control of her mother-in-law behavior of a potential mother-in-law. She spoke about this in a post on the Reddit website. Related materials 00:01 – 17 August 2020 “The husband's family is yours hosts »Cruel upbringing, kidnapping and rape – how wedding traditions prevail in the Caucasus 00:03 – March 16, 2020 “It's time to fight back the constant discrimination and machismo” Spanish feminists on the fight against sexism and refusal to be a domestic servant The author of the post said that she is Iranian by birth, and her lover is Iraqi, but they were both born in Canada and profess Christianity. Throughout the novel, the man's parents did not leave the girl alone: ​​they did not want her to work and go to graduate school, and even tried to control what she wears. The girl added that her

Doctors have named the dangerous consequences of COVID-19 for the psyche

Doctors said that after COVID-19, prolonged psychoses and panic attacks may appear or lingering psychosis and panic attacks. The dangerous consequences of the coronavirus for the psyche were named by doctors, REN TV reports. According to Zurab Kekelidze, Director General of the Serbian National Medical Research Center for Psychiatry and Narcology, after illness, patients develop irritability and irascibility. “When people have had COVID-19, most of them say that everything is fine with them. And when they enter ordinary life, they show certain disorders. For example, they forget the names of some objects, or what actions they should perform, “the doctor said. Psychiatrist Olga Bukhanovskaya noted that patients may also develop schizophrenic psychosis and bipolar affective disorders. This is due to prolonged oxygen starvation of cells, including nerve cells, she explained. The specialist emphasized that this is especially dangerous for the brain. Head of the neurorehabilitation department of the Federal Center

Russians did not have enough houses to celebrate the New Year

“RIA Novosti”: in the Moscow region there are almost no houses available for rent for the New Year In the Moscow region there are almost no houses and cottages available for rent for the New Year. Market participants told RIA Novosti about this. Compared to 2020, demand for real estate during the New Year holidays increased by 15 percent. The Russians are not ready to travel abroad due to the pandemic and a new strain of coronavirus, since it is impossible to predict how the trip will turn out. Tatyana Maksimova, head of the suburban real estate department at Inkom-real estate, explained that due to external circumstances, citizens prefer to celebrate the New Year in Russia. Due to the imbalance in supply and demand, houses for rent are beginning to be scarce. “By mid-December, there will be no options in terms of price-quality ratio in the Moscow region,” Maksimova said.

India and Russia signed a number of contracts in the field of military cooperation

Indian Defense Minister: Moscow and New Delhi signed contracts on small arms During a meeting of the Russian-Indian intergovernmental commission on military and military-technical cooperation in New Delhi, Russia and India signed a number of contracts and protocols related to small arms and military cooperation. The head of the Indian Ministry of Defense Rajnath Singh said this on his Twitter account.

In St. Petersburg, the daily temperature record of 128 years ago was broken

Leus said that the daily frost record of 128 years ago was broken in St. Petersburg thermometer dropped to minus 20.9 degrees. The leading specialist of the Phobos center, Mikhail Leus, wrote about this on his Facebook page. The forecaster noted that he broke the frost record for this day 128 years ago. Frost in the north the capital dropped to -20.9 degrees, which is 0.4 degrees lower than it was on that day back in 1893! ” – said Leus. According to him, in the 21st century cold records in St. Petersburg were updated only twice: on July 14, 2015 and January 3, 2002. the coldest since the beginning of winter. Earlier, forecaster Evgeny Tishkovets predicted that in winter Muscovites will have relatively warm December and February, but also frosty January. He gave a long-term scenario for the development of winter in the capital of Russia, describing it with

Scientists estimate the likelihood of re-contracting COVID-19 due to the omicron strain

Professor Hanekom: the probability of re-infection with COVID-19 due to the omicron strain is less than 1% per strain, the omicron, according to initial data, is less than one percent. These statistics were cited by professor at the African Research Institute of Health Willem Hanekom, he is quoted by Interfax with reference to Sky News. there is less than 1 percent chance of contracting the disease again, ”the TV channel said. The professor noted the high infectivity of the new strain, which, according to scientists, leads to a mild course of the disease. He explained that omicron spread extremely quickly in South Africa, with the rise in new cases significantly faster than in previous waves of coronavirus in the country. He noted that the omicron strain is more common in younger patients. especially in unvaccinated youth, but their illness is easier. Nevertheless, the doctor emphasized, caution must be exercised, since

Ukrainian satellite sent to Ilona Mask's company

Dnipro Customs: Sich-2-30 satellite was sent to the USA for launch into space Ukraine sent an artificial satellite to the USA for launch into space. In the United States, the Ukrainian aircraft “Sich-2-30” will be received and prepared for launch into space by the Space X company, owned by businessman Elon Musk. The planned passage of the border was reported to the customs of the city of Dnipro (formerly Dnipropetrovsk – approx. “” ). “Customs formalities have been completed, and the Ukrainian satellite Sich-2-30 has been sent in the United States, without deviations from the schedule, “- said the customs officials. The satellite was produced in Dnipro as part of the National Space Program of Ukraine. Related materials 00:01 – December 3 “Ukraine is always shooting itself in step “How will the next aggravation of the conflict between Moscow and Kiev turn out for Ukrainians? 00:02 – December 3 planets

Died musician of the groups “Splin” and “Kolibri” Oleg Emirov

Musician of the Kolibri group Oleg Emirov died at the age of 51 due to heart problems Russian composer, musician of the Splin “and” Hummingbird “Oleg Emirov. This is stated on the official page of “Hummingbird” on Facebook. “We are in great grief. Our dear friend Oleg Emirov died tonight. A musician of a rare and great gift, the highest level of culture, a wise friend, a reliable comrade, ”it was reported. It is noted that heart problems became the cause of the artist's death. He passed away at the age of 51. Oleg Emirov was born on September 8, 1970 in Leningrad. In 1988 he graduated from the music school at the Rimsky-Korsakov Leningrad Conservatory. In 1999, Emirov became an arranger and sound producer for the NTV channel. He is the author of music for dozens of programs, including “The Namedni”, “Program Maximum”, “School of Backbiting”, “Big Brother”. The