Zhirinovsky intends to register the new name of the liberal democratic party

Zhirinovsky intends to register the new name of the liberal democratic party MOSCOW, 13 Aug — RIA Novosti. The leader of LDPR Vladimir Zhirinovsky has declared its intention to register the new name of the party, namely the Legendary sovereign party of Russia. “We have the liberal democratic party registered as a separate name, four letters: “L”, “D”, “P”, “R”. The liberal democratic party is the first name. Now we give another check of the third party’s name — the Legendary sovereign party of Russia, to preserve the acronym. In all three cases — LDPR and decryption are different,” — said Zhirinovsky in a live radio station “Moscow speaking”. The politician stressed that his party is “truly legendary” and “sovereign”. See also: Zhirinovsky has declared its intention to become the liberal democratic party of monarchist faction of the state Duma Russian political parties are increasingly dependent on budgetary financing Explained

In Iran amid U.S. sanctions presented a new model of ballistic missile

In Iran amid U.S. sanctions presented a new model of ballistic missile Moscow. August 13. INTERFAX.RU — Iranian defense Minister Amir Hatami on Monday presented the Iranian new ballistic missile, reports the Agency “Tasneem”. According to him, it is a modification of missiles of “Fateh”. The distinctive feature of a new type of missile, according to Khatami, is a high precision. Also, the developers have reduced the visibility of the missile radar. He assured that the military has already conducted a successful test of the new missile. The Minister called the tactical missile. Its range Iranian side said. However, Iranian media have noted that the range of the previous versions of missiles of “Fateh” according to American experts, ranged from 200 to 300 km. Presentation of the rocket took place after earlier in August, the US administration restored some of the sanctions, which until now have been frozen in the

Too reasonable: why elephants behave like humans

Too reasonable: why elephants behave like humans MOSCOW, 12 Aug — RIA Novosti, Tatiana Pichugina. People and elephants have coexisted for many tens of thousands of years. Due to climate change and intensive destruction of these large, intelligent animals have survived only in Africa and Asia. Some features of their behavior — for example, respect for deceased relatives, is unique. From whom came the elephants and why they inspire respect in the material RIA Novosti. Capable of genuine feelings Old Eleanor suddenly collapsed. Walked close comrade tried to lift her, but she could no longer stand on his feet and the next day died. Mourning lasted almost a week. NewsDog stole the camera and took a real blockbuster It happened in October 2003 in Samburu national Park in Kenya among elephants living there. Scientists, observing animals from the air and using the GPS, noted that the first to help a

All the police in the Polish city went to the hospital

All the police in the Polish city went to the hospital In the Polish town of kamień Pomorski (West Pomeranian Voivodeship) all the police went to the hospital for exhaustion. This was announced at a police trade Union (NSZZP), transfers the edition Onet. A similar situation is also observed in Szczecin. There at the hospital took all the guards from the area of Szczecin-Dub, and 70 percent working on the site Szczecin, Nabushevo. The Union stressed that the question of the mass strike is not. Affected by a massive shortage of staff: the load on the guards greatly increases in the summer holiday season, added the Association. “The police are overworked. The limit of endurance is exceeded. If we fail to rectify the situation, such cases will be more,” — said the representative of NSZZP. According to the Union, jobs in law enforcement are open all over the country, but

The Yakut scientists have found the skeleton of a mammoth with soft tissue and hair

The Yakut scientists have found the skeleton of a mammoth with soft tissue and hair The scientists of North-Eastern Federal University in joint expeditions with Japanese colleagues found in the North-East of Yakutia, mammoth remains with soft tissues and hair. This was reported by the press service of the University. The specialists of the Institute of applied ecology of the North and Japanese University Cindy found a partial skeleton of a mammoth on August 12, 220 kilometers down the river Yana in the area of Unigen, the so-called “Mamontova cemetery”, Verkhoyansk district. As reported by N+1 in a press-service, the excavations continue, and other details about the discovery yet, they will be known when the expedition returned to the village batagai. According to the report, earlier, the same team discovered in Batagayskogo thermokarst pit fully preserved carcass of a three-month foal fossil horses of the age of about 30-40 thousand

Ostrich attacked the employee of the Penza zoo

Ostrich attacked the employee of the Penza zoo PENZA, August 13. /TASS/. Attack of the ostrich on cleans aviary zoo worker of Penza, which is imprinted on published a video in social networks, due to the fact that the man had violated official instructions for the care of the bird. This was reported to journalists by the chief veterinarian of the Penza zoo Andriy Solodkov. Earlier in social networks was published video, which shows how the ostrich attacks the employee of the zoo who have come to the aviary to a bird. The ostrich tramples man and throws him from side to side. During the download an error has occurred. “The employee violated official instructions, he was not supposed to enter one in the cage,” said Solodkov. According to the instructions in the aviary with ostriches must enter two men, one of whom must be a kind of shield, exceeding

Why Jakarta is sinking, one of the most densely populated cities in the world?

Why Jakarta is sinking, one of the most densely populated cities in the world? In the Indonesian capital Jakarta, lives more than 10 million people. This metropolis is one of the fastest sinking cities in the world. If you do not take action, by 2050, the entire areas of Jakarta will be submerged, the researchers believe. But it may be too late to do something? Jakarta was built on swampy soils, near the town — Java sea, through the capital flow as 13 rivers. Not surprisingly, in Jakarta floods often occur. The situation is getting worse every year. The city actually disappear from the face of the earth. By 2050, 95% of North Jakarta will be under water.Heri Andreas Bandung Institute of technology North Jakarta is in fact already sinking. The water level has risen 2 feet over the last 10 years and in some districts of the metropolis continues

As a result of rigid landing of Mi-8 in Tajikistan killed three Russians

As a result of rigid landing of Mi-8 in Tajikistan killed three Russians DUSHANBE, August 13 — RIA Novosti. Three climbers, the citizens of Russia, as well as two crew members were killed in hard landing of Mi-8 helicopter in the mountains of Tajikistan, told RIA Novosti the Committee of emergency situations of the Republic. “Three Russian climbers and two members of the crew, citizens of Tajikistan, were killed in hard landing on 29 July in the East of Tajikistan,” — said in the Committee.

Erdogan said that the US is trying to put Turkey back blow

Erdogan said that the US is trying to put Turkey back blow Moscow. August 13. INTERFAX.RU — Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan accused the U.S. of trying to put Turkey “back blow”, despite the fact that Turkey is an ally of Washington and NATO, local media reported. “Together we are part of NATO, but you are trying to stab in the back their strategic partner. Is such a thing permissible?” Erdogan said, speaking at the 10th conference of Turkish ambassadors in Ankara. On the one hand you act as a strategic partner, and with another — shoot bullets at the legs of his partner.Recep Tayyip Erdgasproduzent The Turkey The Turkish leader also noted that the current pressure on Turkey is a reaction to some external forces on an independent policy of Ankara. According to him, the main purpose of such actions is to force Turkey to abandon the protection of