NBC: the Director of US intelligence warned about deprivation eks-the head of the CIA access to state secrets

NBC: the Director of US intelligence warned about deprivation eks-the head of the CIA access to state secrets NEW YORK, August 16. /TASS/ — the White house said that trump has withdrawn from John Brennan access to sensitive information to avoid data leakage. Director of National intelligence Daniel Coates is not set in advance informed about the decision of President Donald trump to deprive the former head of the CIA John Brennan of access to classified government information. This is with reference to own sources reported the broadcaster NBC. She drew attention to the fact that thus had been violated the routine. Coates oversees 16 American raspadaemost. They occupied from March 2017 post was created in 2004 under the reform of intelligence services after the terrorist attacks in new York and Washington of 11 September 2001. Intelligence community includes, in particular, the CIA, the national security Agency, FBI, the Intelligence

The white house commented on the response of Turkey to the US tariff

The white house commented on the response of Turkey to the US tariff https://news.mail.ru/politics/34410693/Соединенные States think a mistake the introduction of Turkey’s tariffs on American goods in response to tariff increases. This statement was made by press Secretary of the White house Sarah Sanders. According to her, the response of Turkey are retribution and regrettable. Sanders also noted that the increase in tariffs on steel and aluminum for Ankara not connected with the situation surrounding the arrest of American pastor Andrew Brunson, writes “the Newspaper.ru”. On August 10, the President, trump announced a two-fold increase in duties on aluminium and steel from Turkey — up to 20 and 50%, respectively. In response, Ankara has twice increased tariffs on 22 types of goods from the United States. In addition, the Turkish authorities have promised to abandon the electronic products of the United States and to move to settlements in national currency

Turkish foreign Minister said that Moscow is ready to cancellation of visas

Turkish foreign Minister said that Moscow is ready to cancellation of visas Russia is ready to abolish visa restrictions for certain categories of Turkish citizens. This was stated by Minister of foreign Affairs Mevlut Cavusoglu. “We basically have reached agreement with Russia on the abolition of visas for entrepreneurs and holders of official passports”, — quotes the words of the Turkish Minister of TRT. Cavusoglu said that the Russian-Turkish working group will discuss the question after the August 24, after the celebration of Eid al-Adha. According to the head of the Turkish MFA between the two countries have “reached agreement in principle on simplification of visas for drivers of heavy vehicles”. The agreement on visa-free regime between Russia and Turkey was signed in 2010. It was suspended on Moscow’s initiative from 1 January 2016 after Turkey shot down a Russian su-24 bomber on the border with Syria. From April 15,

Discoveries of archeology that changed the course of history

Discoveries of archeology that changed the course of history Today, August 15, the archaeologists of Russia, Belarus, Kazakhstan and Ukraine celebrate their professional holiday. IA REGNUM recalls major discoveries of archeology, which helped better understand the history of the country and humanity. The Princess Of Ukok In 1993, archaeologists from Novosibirsk found on the Ukok plateau in the Altai mountains the burial of a woman Dating from V—III centuries ekami BC. Due to cold climate and the depth of the burial chamber tomb was icebound. It found six horses under saddle and harness, a deck of larch bronze nails and a mummy of a young woman. Scientists are still arguing whether it was the noble lady or she belonged to the middle layer of the Pazyryk society. Now the exhibit is kept in the Museum of Gorno-Altaisk. Meanwhile, indigenous Altaians believe that the floods and earthquakes on their land related

Died honored test pilot, hero of the USSR Ivan Vedernikov

Died honored test pilot, hero of the USSR Ivan Vedernikov MOSCOW, 15 Aug — RIA Novosti. Honored test pilot of the USSR, Hero of the Soviet Union Ivan Vedernikov, who participated in the trials bombers Tu-16 and Tu-95, has died at the age of 94, told RIA Novosti on Wednesday in the company “Tupolev”. “We confirm this information,” the company said. Ivan korneyevich Vedernikov was born on 17 November 1923 in the village of Novokrasnyanka (now Kremensky district of the Lugansk region of Ukraine). In July 1941 he was called up for service in the worker-peasant Red Army. In 1944 Vedernikov graduated from the military aviation school of pilots in Omsk and the United military aviation school in Grozny, and in February 1945, fought on the fronts of the great Patriotic war. During his service in the 35th guards bomber aviation regiment made six sorties on bomber PE-2. After the

As figures of the “New grandeur” came under arrest

As figures of the “New grandeur” came under arrest They were talking about politics and shot at cans. Now they are being held in jail on charges of extremism. “Газета.Ru” — how is it that 18-year-old Anna pavlikova and her pals become involved in a criminal case for the creation of extremist groups, “the New greatness”. Last week, August 9, 18-year-old Anna pavlikova, her parents and the defenders once again parted with the hope that the girl will be transferred under house arrest. The court extended the period of detention in jail supernumerary case on extremism until September 13. Meanwhile, in reality, a lot of white spots. As covered group On 15 March the Internet-a portal “OVD-info” reported that in Moscow were searched in ten activists of the “New greatness”. There were 14 events, since some had two of address. Then members of the group brought to the Investigative Committee,

The crew of the detainee in Ukraine tanker from Russia fears a violent seizure

The crew of the detainee in Ukraine tanker from Russia fears a violent seizure MOSCOW, 15 Aug — RIA Novosti. The crew of the detained in Ukraine, the Russian tanker “Mekhanik Pogodin” fears of a violent seizure, according to the website of the company “V. F. Tanker”, which owns the ship. “The grounds for review does not relate to the stated reasons for the detention of the vessel, and the intention of the port authority to spend is proof that the legal grounds for blocking in the port tankers with cargo for the Ukrainian recipient not found! The attempt of penetration on the ship a significant number of people under the guise of any checks raises fears of a violent seizure of the vessel,” the statement reads. On Wednesday, the company owner said that “the Mechanic Pogodin” was forbidden to leave the port of Kherson. Before the appointed Ukraine’s permanent

Trump has withdrawn access to classified information from former CIA chief Brennan

Trump has withdrawn access to classified information from former CIA chief Brennan The US President Donald trump has withdrawn the admission of former CIA Director John Brennan to classified information. As explained by the press Secretary of the President Sarah Sanders during a briefing at the White house, the President went on such a step, to prevent leak secret data. Also, Mr. trump is considering revocation of access at the former head of the FBI James Comey, former Director of National intelligence James Clapper, former head of the CIA Michael Hayden, a former assistant to the President for national security Susan rice and former head of the CIA, Andrew McCabe, etc. About the intent of Donald trump to revoke access at the former head of the CIA reported in late July. Sarah sander is explained by the fact that some former officials politicize information, using it to criticize the President,

The US imposed sanctions against the Russian company “PROFINET” due to the DPRK

The US imposed sanctions against the Russian company “PROFINET” due to the DPRK WASHINGTON, August 15. /TASS/ — To the sanctions list also included the Chinese and Singaporean companies. The U.S. government has imposed sanctions against the Russian company “PROFINET” and its General Director Vasily Kolchanova from the DPRK. This is stated in a press release the U.S. Treasury released on Wednesday. In a statement the Agency said that working in Nakhodka, Vladivostok and Slavyanka sea transport company “PROFINET” six times provided services for ships under the flags of the DPRK, including the court, under the sanctions, which transported petroleum products. “”PROFINET” continued to provide bunkering services, although employees knew that there are sanctions against the oil sector of the DPRK,” the statement reads. The sanctions list also included the Chinese company Dalian Sun Moon Star International and Singapore SimSMS, which, according to the U.S. Treasury, jointly helped to put

The pastor will not refund: Erdogan is not afraid of US sanctions

The pastor will not refund: Erdogan is not afraid of US sanctions Turkey has refused to extradite to the US, arrested us pastor. A Turkish court has refused to release American pastor Andrew Brunson from house arrest despite the fact that August 15 is the deadline of the ultimatum of the United States. If the U.S. citizen is not released, Washington promised new sanctions. American media predict that Erdogan will lose the battle with US President Donald trump, however, the Turkish President, to save face, apparently, will resist to the last. A Turkish court rejected a defense motion that seeks the release of American pastor Andrew Brunson and right for him to leave the country. However, the defense of the pastor now has the opportunity to appeal this decision to the Supreme court of the country, Reuters reports. August 15 is the deadline of the ultimatum of the White house,