General SK nikandrova has been sentenced to 5.5 years in prison

General SK nikandrova has been sentenced to 5.5 years in prison MOSCOW, 16 Aug — RIA Novosti. The Moscow city court sentenced former Deputy chief of a capital Central Board SK Denis nikandrova to five and a half years in prison on charges of bribery for the release of criminal authority of the Italian, the correspondent of RIA Novosti news from the courtroom. Also nikandrova deprived of the title of “General justice”, the penalty the court to appoint did not. Nikandrov made a deal with the investigation, his case was considered without examining the evidence and with full admission of guilt. Because the materials are classified as confidential, hearing on the merits was closed from listeners and the media. In the open part read out only the introductory and resolution parts of the sentence. See also: General Drymanov left in jail

US senators urged the UN to investigate the murder of Russian journalists in Africa

US senators urged the UN to investigate the murder of Russian journalists in Africa American senators from the Republican and Democratic parties Marco Rubio and Chris coons sent a letter to UN Secretary-General, Antonio Guterres, urging the use of the mechanisms of organization for objective investigation of the murder of Russian journalists in the Central African Republic (CAR). The text of the appeal published on the website of Koons. The senators noted that journalists Orkhan Jemal, Kirill Radchenko and Alexander Rastorguev investigated in the Central Asian region “activities of private Russian group of mercenaries Wagner, whose forces were also deployed in Syria and Ukraine and that, reportedly, tied with Evgeny Prigozhin, a Mogul of the food industry close to [President] Vladimir Putin.” The journalists worked on a documentary for the independent media project of Putin’s enemy Mikhail Khodorkovsky, indicate the parliamentarians. Although the circumstances of the incident in the Central

New bomber Tu-22M3M presented in Kazan

Long-range bomber-missile carrier Tu-22M3M © Anna Yudina/TASS KAZAN, August 16. /TASS/. The rollout of the modernized long-range bomber-missile Tu-22M3M took place on Thursday on the territory of the Kazan aviation plant named after S. P. Gorbunov, the correspondent of TASS from the event. “The first prototype Tu-22МЗМ was created as part of an ambitious program of modernization of aircraft systems strategic and long-range aviation, which performs PJSC “Tupolev” at the present time. The next stage of the program is the deep modernization of the first batch of combat aircraft, the Tu-22MZ”, – said at the ceremony the General Director of firm of Tupolev Alexander Konyukhov.

“Counter-fire”. What will surprise a new missile-bomber Tu-22M3M

Long-range bomber-missile carrier Tu-22M3M © Yegor Aleev/TASS On the territory of the Kazan aviation plant named after S. P. Gorbunov, the presentation of the new Tu-22M3M. This is the first deep modernization of those in the ranks of the aerospace forces (VKS) Russian long-range supersonic missile-bomber Tu-22MZ with a variable sweep wing. The first flight of the new machine to be held in September this year. It is planned that the level of Tu-22M3M will be upgraded 30 Russian planes VC.

WSJ: Donald trump has lifted restrictions on the use of cyber weapons

WSJ: Donald trump has lifted restrictions on the use of cyber weapons The President of the United States Donald trump canceled a secret Directive to conduct cyber attacks against enemies of the United States, signed by the previous President Barack Obama, reports The Wall Street Journal, citing sources. According to the newspaper, this was done in order to ease restrictions on the use of cyber weapons. The document, Presidential Policy Directive 20, regulating the actions of American authorities in the case of conduct of cyber attacks, was signed by Barack Obama in 2012. Its contents were not revealed, although in 2013 some of the details became known thanks to the information released by former employee of the national security Agency, USA Edward Snowden, who is now in Russia. The WSJ does not report, did Donald trump new Directive instead of invalid. The Directive was repealed with the regular accusations against

Ministry of education wants to reduce the maximum number of foster children in the same family

Ministry of education wants to reduce the maximum number of foster children in the same family The Minister of education of Russia Olga Vasilieva at the meeting with journalists, said that her Department is considering the issue of reducing the maximum number of foster children that may be adopted by one family. In addition, we plan to significantly tighten the requirements for families wishing to adopt a child. Ms. Vasilyeva said that, now there is a norm according to which the maximum number of foster and biological children in one family may not exceed eight people. She added that the family should not turn into “children’s garden family or children’s home”, while not saying what the number of foster children in the family considers optimal. According to the Minister, Ministry of education intends to strengthen the control over the mental state of people who are applying for adoption. “Tougher requirements

Machine “Kalashnikov”

Machine “Kalashnikov” Russia to oppose the ban of fully Autonomous combat systems. As it became known “Kommersant”, Russia is ready to support the proposal of France and Germany on the adoption of the UN political Declaration, which would state the importance of maintaining human control of Autonomous weapons systems. This initiative in late August in Geneva to discuss representatives from more than 80 countries and international organizations. Meanwhile, as explained to “Kommersant”, the Russian foreign Ministry, Moscow is strongly opposed to the introduction of legally binding restrictions in the sector as a full-fledged artificial intelligence does not yet exist. Supporters of the ban “killer robots”, however, warn that technology is evolving so quickly that diplomats may not be able to prevent a catastrophe. “B” versed in the intricacies of the new directions the world of diplomacy. Keep the human control From 27 to 31 August in Geneva, under the auspices

The head of the HRC proposed to clarify the concept of “extremism”

The head of the HRC proposed to clarify the concept of “extremism” NOVOSIBIRSK, August 15 — RIA Novosti. The Council under RF President on development of civil society and human rights (HRC) is working on a correction of the law on counteraction to extremism, as in the current situation extremists can burn half the country, told reporters in Novosibirsk on Wednesday, the head of the HRC Mikhail Fedotov. “The Council is now working on proposals to update the legislation. We believe that the concept of “extremism” should be clarified. It should be directly associated with either violence or the real threat of violence. When mother says to son: “Stop picking your nose, or I will kill you” is not a threat of murder, and we are well aware. When there is a real threat of violence, Yes,” he said. The head of the HRC said that while had not seen