In Kiev, said the U.S. on charges of treason

In Kiev, said the U.S. on charges of treason The leader of the Ukrainian Radical party, Oleg Lyashko commented on the American media that the domestic company “Motor Sich” contrary to the interests of the United States supplied China engines for combat aircraft. About this he wrote in his Facebook. “If the Americans don’t want we sold to the Chinese, let them buy our aircraft engines. And we allowed the Chinese to sell and do not buy, and in the end the alternative for the “Motor Sich” — one is the bankruptcy of businesses and thousands of new highly skilled, but unemployed Ukrainians”, — said the politician. According to him, Ukraine is one of five countries that produce modern aircraft engines, so the plants must work at full capacity. Earlier in August, the Washington Times reported that the company “Motor Sich” signed a contract, involving the delivery to China of

Named five unique services in hotels

Named five unique services in hotels MOSCOW, 19 Jul — RIA Novosti. Relax on the beach and drink in many hotels in the world, but there are hotels that offer unique services according to The hotel, located in Chiang Rai in Thailand, you can put your yoga Mat on the back of an elephant and hone practice. Hotel in Berlin (Germany) have the opportunity not just to sing in the shower, but also to record their song in one of the two recording studios. However, with a need to take backing vocalists. At the hotel in new Jersey (USA) on the roof overlooking the Park and the Atlantic ocean in the evening show movies. By day a lounge area. Hotel in Oman allows its guests to feel like James bond. If that seems too prosaic to arrive at the hotel by rental car or taxi, you can arrive at

Scientists explained the dangers of “cocktail” of alcohol and energy drinks

Scientists explained the dangers of “cocktail” of alcohol and energy drinks MOSCOW, 19 Jul — RIA Novosti. A group of biologists from the US, UK and Brazil described the negative effects on the human body the simultaneous use of alcohol and energy drinks, a study was published in the Journal of Psychiatric Research. The researchers decided to further explore the effects on the human body, ethanol and taurine — the main components of alcohol and a variety of energy drinks. The essence of experiment consisted in observing the behavior of fish species zebrafish, placed in different aquariums, one of which was plain water, others a mixture of different proportions of water, taurine and ethanol. To study anomalies in the behavior of the test subjects then were placed in tanks with other fish, including predatory. According to the results of a scientific experiment, scientists have revealed the following regularity: the finding

The price of candor. Elon Musk is pouring his soul to the journalists, Tesla shares fall

The price of candor. Elon Musk is pouring his soul to the journalists, Tesla shares fall Promotions innovative electric car manufacturer Tesla fell nearly 9% to a record low two-year low — after the New York Times published an interview with the founder of Tesla’s Elon musk. Of candid and very personal interview, some concluded that the poor condition of both the entrepreneur and his company. Musk has admitted that the last time work for 120 hours a week and hasn’t taken a vacation longer than a week already since 2001. “It happened that I did not leave the plant for three or four days — I even did not go out”, — said the businessman. Your last birthday, the businessman also spent at work, without friends and family. During the interview Musk several times fell silent, gripped by feelings. As the New York Times, surrounded by Mask’s worried about

The defense Ministry of Ukraine is investigating the accident with SAM “Buk” in Kiev after the parade

The defense Ministry of Ukraine is investigating the accident with SAM “Buk” in Kiev after the parade The Ministry of defence of Ukraine announced the beginning of official investigation of circumstances in which anti-aircraft Buk missile crashed into the wall of the business center “Astarte” on the corner of the Bottom of the Shaft and Naberezhno-Khreschatytska street in Kyiv, reports “112 Ukraine “On 18 August, around 21:30 in Kiev, one of the military vehicles moving in convoy, carrying out a turn, collided with the building on the Yaroslavskaya str. Currently undergoing an internal investigation to ascertain the circumstances of the incident,” — said in the Ministry of defense of Ukraine. During the download an error has occurred.The Ministry said that, despite the fact that as a result of incident nobody has suffered, the facade of the building was caused minor damage. Earlier it was reported that in Kiev anti-aircraft complex

In the center of Kiev because of heavy rains failed asphalt

In the center of Kiev because of heavy rains failed asphalt KIEV, August 19. /TASS/ — Also in the center of the Ukrainian capital, the night was flooded several streets. Heavy rain and heavy wind up to 18 m/s knocked down trees in the center of the Ukrainian capital, flooded pedestrian crossings on the roadway collapsed asphalt. Utilities to carry out restoration works. Night downpour flooded several districts of Kiev was seriously damaged the city centre. So, on the street Antonovich on the roadway collapsed asphalt. Now the street is blocked to traffic at the scene working emergency services. In the center of the Ukrainian capital also, the night was flooded several streets, in particular, the Esplanade and Boulevard of Taras Shevchenko, as well as an underground pedestrian crossings. Several cars were under water, some of them at the time the elements were people. To escape, they climbed to the

In Moscow hospitalized Udaltsov

In Moscow hospitalized Udaltsov MOSCOW, 19 Jul — RIA Novosti. The coordinator “the Left Front” Sergey Udaltsov, who was arrested on August 17 for 30 days, admitted to hospital from the detention center due to poor health, reported RIA Novosti his wife Anastasia Udaltsova and Executive Secretary of the public oversight Commission (POC) of Moscow, Ivan Melnikov. Meshchansky court in Moscow August 14, Udaltsov was arrested for 30 days for violation of the order of the meeting on July 28. After his arrest, according to Udaltsova, he stopped taking water and food. The Moscow city court on Friday 17 August upheld his administrative detention. Udaltsov year ago released from a colony where served time in 4.5 years on charges of organizing riots on Bolotnaya square in Moscow in may 2012. After that Udaltsov has been repeatedly detained for various violations in the organization of demonstrations and actions. “Today it came

The United States found new wishing to interfere in elections

The United States found new wishing to interfere in elections The U.S. government is concerned about the commitment of China, Iran and North Korea to influence the U.S. midterm elections in 2018. This was stated by Advisor to the President for national security John Bolton in an interview with ABC television. “I can say for sure that there is a threat to national security because of the Chinese intervention, the Iranian intervention, the North Korean intervention, we take steps to prevent it”, — he said. Bolton did not want to reveal details and give evidence of the intervention of any country. However, according to him, “these four countries (including Russia — approx. “Of the”) cause the greatest concern.” Russia has repeatedly accused of meddling in the US presidential election. American journalists and officials claimed that “Russian hackers” allegedly kidnapped the correspondence of the Democrats and published in the Internet


Fishy We find that burnt down the Church of the Dormition. According to investigators, on the morning of 10 August 15-the summer teenager in Kondopoga burned the Church of the assumption of 1774 building. The arsonist placed in a temporary detention centre for juvenile. Local believe that a teenage Satanist. With belonging to a satanic sect have yet to understand. But after the case in Karelia, in the suburban village liyalovo, the Church of the Nativity, found the bloodied body of a 43-year-old man. Confessed to the murder of 56-year-old resident of Zelenograd. The killer said that he did it under orders of the Archangel Michael. Drove the car, took the passenger, suspected him as a worshipper of the devil. But in this case he always carries a knife… This spring, security Council Secretary Nikolai Patrushev warned about the possible revitalization of Satanists and totalitarian sects. The warning started to