Employees of the Kazan colony arrested for the use of the sticks

Employees of the Kazan colony arrested for the use of the sticks The TFR is investigating a new case of torture in prison. Upstairs In the Kazan corrective colony (IK) № 18 on charges of torture of prisoners, on 27 August detained operatives companies captain Lenar Gasow and the senior Lieutenant Andrey Semenov. According to the Investigative Committee of Russia (TFR), they beat the prisoners, including using wooden sticks. In the near future the consequence will petition for custody of operatives into custody. His guilt they do not recognize. On Thursday investigatory management (SOU) SKR across Tatarstan has informed on detention of the employees of the operative Department of fku IK-18 of the Republican Department of the Federal penitentiary service 30-year-old captain of the internal service lenara Gaiazova and senior Lieutenant Andrei Semenov. They were charged under part 3 St. 286 UK RF (exceeding official powers with use of violence).

DoD can change the organization for the disposal of ordnance at the Arsenal in Pugachev

© Elena Nagornykh/TASS IZHEVSK, August 30. /TASS/. The defense Ministry is considering changing the organization for the collection and disposal of explosive ordnance (UXO) at former military Arsenal in the village of Pugachevo in Udmurtia, where in may there was a fire and detonated the remaining after the state of emergency in 2011, the projectiles. About this TASS said the Chairman of the government of the Republic of Yaroslav Semenov. “The question for search, collection and destruction of explosive devices is the responsibility of the Ministry of defence of the Russian Federation. Currently, the Ministry of defence, the issue on expediency of the further cooperation with LLC “Special technology”, or other organization that will implement the collection and disposal of UXO”, – he said. Semenov said that the cleanup of technical area to date was carried out by OOO “NPF Special technology” on the basis of the agreement concluded between

It’s complicated

It’s complicated Ukraine is preparing for the introduction of a visa regime with Russia. Upstairs At the end of the year, the Russians will not be able to travel to Ukraine. In the coming months, Kiev is planning to introduce electronic visas for citizens of the “migration risk countries”, which will also include Russia. Now to visit Ukraine you will need to fill in a form on the website of the Ukrainian Ministry of foreign Affairs, and on arrival to register at the place of stay. The initiative will complicate the lives of many Russians — it is known that annually Ukraine is visited by about 1.5 million Russian citizens. The complication of the procedure A new system of entry to Ukraine for a number of countries will develop this year. This follows from the plan of implementation of the Strategy of the state migration policy, which the Cabinet of

Peskov called strange Forbes with Putin in the first place

Peskov called strange Forbes with Putin in the first place Don’t need to be a visionary to put President Vladimir Putin on the first place of the ranking of the most influential Russians, told reporters on Thursday, press Secretary of the President Dmitry Peskov, commenting on a new rating by Russian Forbes. Upstairs Overall rating of “nothing to say”, said the representative of the Kremlin. “What are the criteria, based on what is very strange, strange list,” — said Peskov. Earlier, the Russian Forbes first published a ranking of the most influential Russians. The list includes 100 people. First place “automatically” took the President of Russia Vladimir Putin. In the explanation to the publication clarifies that this place is the Russian leader got for the reason that he previously took second place in the global ranking of the most influential people in the world by the American Forbes. The top

Alexei Kudrin called the approach to corruption in Russia is primitive

Alexei Kudrin called the approach to corruption in Russia is primitive The Chairman of the accounts chamber (SP) Alexei Kudrin in an interview with “Kommersant” told about the new strategy of the joint venture. Special attention was paid to the fight against corruption, noting that the powers of his Department in this area is poorly defined in the legislation. Upstairs “We dispose of materials that are of interest to law enforcement, but there is a targeted system of anti-corruption activities of the chamber,” said Kudrin, adding that examines the practice of fight against corruption in Russian legislation. “I have analyzed the regulations, their enforcement, the grounds on which officials are brought to justice, practice, trends. My first sense — primitive approach to corruption per se, — said Alexei Kudrin.— Also, I can assume that not everything is so simple and with the anti-corruption query: it seems that society for some

Died Joseph Kobzon

Died Joseph Kobzon Died pop singer Iosif Kobzon. Наверх15фотографий15фотографий15фотографий On Thursday, 30 August, relatives of the artist told the radio station “Moscow Says”. He was 80 years old. On 27 July it was reported that the singer hooked up to a machine assisted ventilation. Before this artist was transferred to intensive care in the neurosurgery Department in one of Moscow hospitals. His condition is estimated as stably heavy. On the same day, press Secretary Varvara Vinogradova Kobzon said that the hospitalization of the singer was scheduled and in the intensive care unit did not translate. With the same message delivered on July 26, the wife of the artist Ninel Kobzon. A RIA Novosti source in the state Duma said that the Deputy is in serious but stable condition and is undergoing chemotherapy. Kobzon was diagnosed with cancer in 2005. Joseph KobzonDuring the download an error has occurred.During the download an

Where such a pretty one go? As the girls travel solo

Where such a pretty one go? As the girls travel solo MOSCOW, 30 Jul — RIA Novosti, Irina Ovchinnikova. Girls alone traveling hitch-Hiking or sleeping in a tent in the Urals mountains, walking on the Istanbul streets or roads of Bali, admit that it is quite scary, and recommend you to definitely try this format of recreation. Upstairs How solo travel can change your life, what you need to know about security and why is all this necessary — in the material RIA Novosti. Good one “Of course, going alone on a trip, I’m not yelling right and left about this, especially men, — says Ekaterina Mironova, PR-expert from Moscow. But there was a case when to remain silent did not work, on the Ural I’m staying in the guest house, and then there had settled eight guys. I was scared at first thought, it starts now, but everything was

Scientists have uncovered the secret of a perfect bubble

Scientists have uncovered the secret of a perfect bubble This discovery will help manufacturers of kits for soap bubbles, I hope in the lab. Upstairs Perfect bubble can be inflated with a stick of a certain size and at the correct speed of the inflation, set in the Applied math lab at new York University. Does, polirani Freak Bubbles (@freakbubbles) 29 Sir R. 2018 11:36 PDT During the download an error has occurred. The researchers conducted a series of experiments, the results of which have made an accurate statement. It turned out that the optimal speed for creating bubbles is 6.9 cm per second. You’d need a wand for blowing a diameter of 4 cm Under such conditions bubbles get perfect shape and did not burst. Does, polirani Iottini Ilaria (@lyla1188) 29 Sir R. 2018 10:34 PDT During the download an error has occurred. This discovery will help manufacturers of

Kemerovo fire have revealed the value attitude to work

Kemerovo fire have revealed the value attitude to work The social network got the results of the examination of Sergei Genin. Upstairs Experts of the Moscow Institute of psychiatry named after the Serbian, who examined the Kemerovo fire, concluded that, despite the fact that after the arrest of Sergei Genin turned to the psychiatrist, signs of mental disorders had not revealed. They noted his “value attitude to work” and the ability to react in extreme situations. Experts of the Moscow Serbsky Institute who conducted a comprehensive forensic psychological and psychiatric examination of the chief of the guard Kemerovo firefighting and rescue unit № 2 by Sergei Genin, made a conclusion about his sanity. Examination of the data “b” provided the group administrator support firefighters “Firefighters are NOT to blame!” the social network “Vkontakte” Nataliya Lugansk. Sergei Genin — the defendant in a criminal case about a fire in shopping center

In Ukraine, the rating of the most hated politicians

In Ukraine, the rating of the most hated politicians Acting Minister of health Suprun has headed a rating of the most hated Ukrainian politicians. This is evidenced by the research conducted by the sociological group “Rating” commissioned by the American International Republican Institute (IRI). Upstairs Answering the question of sociologists about the attitude of Ukrainian politicians and government officials, 61 percent of Ukrainians answered that very negative or rather negative attitude to the acting Minister of health Ulyana Suprun. 30 percent said the negative attitude to the head of the National anti-corruption Bureau (NAB) Artem Sytnik, 29 percent to the people’s Deputy Moustapha nayem from the ruling Bloc of Petro Poroshenko (BPP). 27 percent of Ukrainians have a negative attitude to the head of “Naftogaz of Ukraine” A. KOBOLEV, MPs Yegor Sobolev, Oksana Syroid (both “Self-help”) Igor Lutsenko (“Fatherland”). Separately, sociologists have measured the level of approval of activity of