In Moscow buried Joseph Kobzon

In Moscow buried Joseph Kobzon The funeral ceremony, singer and Duma Deputy Joseph Kobzon ended in Moscow, news agencies report. Наверх16фотографий16фотографий16фотографий The artist is buried in the Jewish part of the Vostryakovskoye cemetery, near his mother. The ceremony was held according to Jewish traditions. Andrei Kobzon, the son of the actor, read a memorial prayer Kaddish. After that Joseph Kobzon was buried under sounds of the anthem of Russia and volleys of honor. In conclusion, the orchestra performed “a Song about far homeland” from the movie “Seventeen moments of spring”. A farewell ceremony was held in the Moscow Concert hall named after Tchaikovsky. According to TASS, the ceremony was attended by about 6 thousand people. Among them the President of Russia Vladimir Putin, Prime Minister Dmitry Medvedev, state Duma speaker Vyacheslav Volodin and others. Recall that Joseph Kobzon died 30 August on 81-m to year of life after long illness.

In St. Petersburg died the main Russian Beatles fan Kolya Vasin

In St. Petersburg died the main Russian Beatles fan Kolya Vasin S. — PETERSBURG, 2 Saint — RIA Novosti. Famous Beatles fan Russia, Creator of “the Temple of John Lennon” Kolya Vasin died in St. Petersburg, reported to Facebook by his friend Nicholas of Drums. Upstairs “The twenty-ninth of August my friend Kolya Vasin went to John Lennon and Jim Harrison — he wrote. During the download an error has occurred. Nikolai Vasin known as the Soviet and Russian art collector, writer, historian, Creator of the country’s largest Museum “the Beatles”, the founder of the “Temple of love, peace and music of John Lennon”.

A resident of Georgia tried to smuggle the girl into Turkey in a suitcase

A resident of Georgia tried to smuggle the girl into Turkey in a suitcase Turkish border guards have detained 24-the summer citizen of Georgia who tried to smuggle into the country the girl in the suitcase. On Sunday, September 2, reports the Agency “news-Georgia”. Upstairs The incident occurred at a check point “Sarpi”. The guards drew attention to the man with a large suitcase, which passed customs and passport control. The man was asked to open the suitcase, and inside it found the girl. She was 27-the summer citizen of Uzbekistan, which, according to the Agency, denied entry into Turkey. The traveler and his illegal companion were detained. Against them criminal case. July 27 at the airport of Charles de Gaulle in Paris, was detained a citizen of Austria. He tried to smuggle from Mexico to Germany 80 exotic birds. The man was carrying the birds in hand Luggage. Managed

“Kommersant” has published a secret Directive of the UN on Syria

“Kommersant” has published a secret Directive of the UN on Syria At the disposal of “Kommersant” was a secret Directive of the United Nations (UN) on the work in Syria. Upstairs The document explicitly States that only after having carried out a genuine and inclusive political transition in Syria, UN ready to facilitate reconstruction in this country. According to “Kommersant”, the author of the document is an American diplomat, former Deputy UN Secretary-General for political Affairs Jeffrey Feltman, who left the post this spring. Earlier, the Minister of foreign Affairs of Russia Sergey Lavrov, speaking about the existence of the document, said he believes his example “the manipulation of Western countries, secretariats of international organizations”. A few days after the statements of Mr. Lavrov, the official representative of the UN Secretary General Stefan Dujarric denied the existence of the Directive.

Broader relationship

Broader relationship As information technology changed the institution of marriage. Upstairs Giant industry Internet Dating ready for new impressive achievements — they are associated with an expected yield on the market of large social networks. In fact, people are still trying to find happiness, avoiding in this way errors. Digital technologies give them great help, while successful monetization of romance. Experts speaking about how much the Internet has changed the picture of the world, be sure to mention the new features build personal relationships — how people find their partners. The figures are impressive — in the world each month 200 million people are using services, so to speak, of digital Dating. In 1990-ies a way to find a mate was considered weird. And now a third of marriages in the United States is the result of online Dating, and this method quickly catches up with Dating in the offline

“The bear was driven off by clapping”. Three weeks in the woods without food, water and weapons

“The bear was driven off by clapping”. Three weeks in the woods without food, water and weapons Ate berries, drank water from swamps, divided blueberry meadow with a bear — about a bad fishing teacher of the Murmansk region will remember for a long time. He was lost and twenty-four days he wandered in the Vologda swamps, without food, warm clothes, tents, matches. Upstairs MOSCOW, 2 sen — RIA Novosti, Anastasia Gadinsky. When Sergey Golubyatnikov appeared on the doorstep, his legs were covered with wounds, he lost twenty pounds. Rescuers warn that in the mushroom season in forests every day lost more than a hundred people. RIA Novosti talked to those who were able to get out of trouble after a long time. “Licking the dew from the leaves” The ninth of July this year, the teacher Sergey Golubyatnikov, together with a friend, we went fishing in the Vologda region

Indian farmers danced in the mud for the sake of the challenge

Indian farmers danced in the mud for the sake of the challenge Video of dancing guys has gone viral. Upstairs Two farmers from India danced in the marshy rice field near the oxen for the challenge “Kiki”. During the download an error has occurred. The challenge started in social media last month after the release of the song In My Feelings canadian rapper Drake. The hero of the song suffers from unrequited love and asked: “Kiki, do you love me?”. Social media users began to share their video, which copied the dance moves from the video clip. Guys from India masterfully performed a dance, and in the middle of the paddy fields, smeared with dirt. A 40-second video gathered millions of views. See also: Mexican girl-pilot jumped off the plane to participate in the challenge Hockey player tried to dance on the street under the Drake song, but fell

“Retirement” rally: a short burst on the edge of the muddy puddles

“Retirement” rally: a short burst on the edge of the muddy puddles The Communist party failed promised “a national protest”. Upstairs In the cities of Russia held rallies against legislative implementation of the pension reform. The organizers of the protests — the representatives and supporters of the Communist party — this time missed in their forecasts significantly in Vladivostok against the 1200 and proudly announced at the end of two thousand really a rally, according to police, left 250 people in Birobidzhan is about 200 (and that with the involvement of the “Fair Russia”). Also according to the regional interior Ministry, in total, the rally in Petropavlovsk-Kamchatsky left 30 people in Magadan — 50. In Omsk, where the Communist party is traditionally very strong claims about the regional office, the rally was attended by about 800 people, in Ekaterinburg (according to data published in “Novaya Gazeta”) — action “Shameful regiment”

The far East did not support the Communist party rallies against raising the retirement age

The far East did not support the Communist party rallies against raising the retirement age MOSCOW, September 2, FederalPress. Instead of thousands of people gathered just a few hundred. Upstairs In the far East have been rallies of the Communist party with a small number of people. For example, in Vladivostok, it was stated 2000 people, but in fact the square was not more than 250. The main claim of the “left” was the party “United Russia”, but rather to the laws that that brings. Most of the outrage caused changes in the pension system. By the way, the Russian President made a proposal to soften reform in favor of the employees. “The government in resignation” — such calls were protesting, according to FederalPress, 30 people in Petropavlovsk-Kamchatsky, 50 people in Magadan and, according to the interior Ministry, 150 people in Birobidzhan. Recall, August 29, Russian President Vladimir Putin put

More than a thousand of Novosibirsk came to the rally against pension reform

More than a thousand of Novosibirsk came to the rally against pension reform Novosibirsk joined the nationwide protest against raising the retirement age, thousands of townspeople gathered on 2 September on the square near the library. Upstairs The organizers of the rally began, the Communist party and other left-wing movements — “Apple” and “Democratic choice”. It was preceded by a big propaganda work, activists held in the town of pickets under the slogan “Not out of the second of September — not retired”, during which they distributed party literature and leaflets calling to come to the protest. “Despite the recent handouts of our government, important to understand the essence of the reform. To understand that if we allow it to take power will go on and will continue to take money from our pocket”, — noted the organizers. By the way, the opposition coalition was invited to the meeting and