The participants of the rally against pension reform began 4 thousand Novosibirsk

The participants of the rally against pension reform began 4 thousand Novosibirsk The Communist party, organized September 2, nationwide protest against raising the retirement age, said the number of participants of meeting in Novosibirsk. Upstairs According to the regional branch of the party on the square in front of the library came 4 thousand people. Similar rallies were held in Gorno-Altaysk, Barnaul, Biysk, Irkutsk, Novokuznetsk, Omsk, Tomsk and many other Siberian cities. “Among the protesters as the current pensioners, and those who are just approaching retirement age youth. Many came to the protest with their families together with small children”, — said the organizers of the protest. In addition to the Communist party, it was attended by other political forces on the left, and “Apple” and “Democratic choice”. Activists succeeded each other on the stage, they all said that after the President’s address to the nation there is no doubt

Riding without “spikes” and 50 shades of CTP: what to expect in September

Riding without “spikes” and 50 shades of CTP: what to expect in September Expensive insurance, new and colorful markings and other innovations, which will have to get used to with the beginning of autumn. Upstairs Fall 2018 promises car enthusiasts a series of legislative initiatives. It is planned to make insurance more expensive, and his absence is automatically fined. To cancel the mark “Spikes” that are faster to repair the road and add to the markup colors. With a part planned for a season of Standards, innovations and innovation we are already familiar, but some will have to accept and learn from 1st September. What are the drivers and pedestrians with the onset of autumn — in the material of the portal “Disabled”: personal sign The Ministry of labor and social security promises to intervene in the procedure for obtaining the identification mark “Disabled person”. So, since September 4,

In Egypt have discovered the remains of a village tafaraoui era

In Egypt have discovered the remains of a village tafaraoui era The joint Egyptian-French archaeological mission, headed by Dr. Frederick Gaio, found in the tell El-Samara province of dakahlia governorate in the North of Egypt the remains of a village Dating back to the reign of the pharaohs. Upstairs As the press service of the Ministry of Affairs of antiquities of Egypt, the importance of this discovery is due to the fact that these finds, which belong to the Neolithic period, have never met on this site. Only found the settlement of this era is the city of SAIs. “The discovery allows archaeologists to study prehistoric communities that lived in the Nile Delta prior to the reign of the first dynasty of the pharaohs (III Millennium BC. —,” — said the head of sector of the ancient Egyptian monuments Aiman Ashmawy. According to him, in the place of the

Rostekhnadzor will monitor radioactive contamination

Rostekhnadzor will monitor radioactive contamination Before decommission a nuclear installation or waste storage, experts will examine the site on the “residual radioactive contamination”. This term was first planned to introduce in the Federal rules and regulations, follows from the draft order of Rostechnadzor. The document read “news”. Upstairs We are talking about the pollution of the buildings and environment man-made sources of radiation. The level should correspond to norms SanPiN, only in this case, the venue will be allowed to be people and conduct business. According to the amendments, the operating organization shall conduct radiation surveys of all items subject to residual contamination. The results should be in the form of a report. It is necessary to calculate the “annual effective dose”, which will persist despite the conclusion of object from operation. Thus, the RTN will establish criteria for termination of regulatory control of these facilities, explained “news” in a

The former banker was arrested to find

The former banker was arrested to find The measure of restraint to the accused in the embezzlement of funds of the Fundservicebank. Upstairs As it became known “Kommersant”, the Tver court of Moscow in absentia arrested the former General Director “the Capital trust company Soyuz” and member of the Board of Directors of Fundservicebank Edward Chesnova. He is accused of embezzling 7.5 billion rubles. the credit institution, for over ten years he was a supporting Bank of the Roscosmos. According to the investigative Department (SD) Ministry of internal Affairs, the arrested person, being a Trustee of the former owner of Fundservicebank Alexander Volovnik, led an isolated band of specialists who ran derived from the Bank’s assets. The decision to arrest Edward Chesnova the Tver court of capital has taken in correspondence mode: location of the former Director of “Capital trust company “Soyuz”” and member of the Board of Directors of

Macron spoke about the “dreams” of Putin

Macron spoke about the “dreams” of Putin Russian President Vladimir Putin “dreams about the collapse of the European Union”. This opinion was expressed by the French leader Emmanuel macron, noting that he respects his Russian counterpart. Upstairs “I respect Putin, and I am one of those who believes that we must create new approaches to security with Russia, we need a discussion with Russia. But Putin’s dream — to dismantle the EU,” he said in an interview to a Swedish TV channel SVT. On reasoning about relations of Russia and France Makron has prompted the host of the program. She spoke about the incident on Swedish radio, when the leader of the democratic party of the country was asked to choose between Putin and Macron. The politician refused to single out anyone as your guide. “I think that says a lot. This means that the leader does not know what

Russia will have dynamic speed limit signs

Russia will have dynamic speed limit signs Along Russian roads install signs, automatically determine the optimum speed based on current road conditions. This “news” have told in the Russian road research Institute (ROSDORNII), where he developed the GOST “Motorways and Express roads. Organization and road safety. General requirements”. Upstairs Signs with variable information will be located on motorways and Express roads. The traffic speed will be regulated depending on precipitation and visibility. Development of dynamic characters is carried out in the implementation of the Federal law “On organization of road traffic”, which provides for the use of intelligent transport systems. According to experts, the electronic signs will be 5-10 times more expensive, but will improve safety on the roads. By 2030, the government plans to reduce the level of road deaths to almost zero. In August, the Ministry of transport announced plans to lower three times the mortality rate in

In France recognized the victory of Assad in Syria

In France recognized the victory of Assad in Syria In the civil conflict in Syria defeated President Bashar al-Assad. This was stated by Minister of foreign Affairs of France Jean-Yves Le Drian, according to Sputnik International. Upstairs “Assad won the war, we have to admit that. But he did not achieve peace”, — said the Minister. According to him, this Damascus it is necessary to adopt a political solution with the participation of international mediators. Le Drian believes that if the Syrian authorities will be able to liberate Idlib province from the terrorists, it will not solve the problems that provoked the conflict. He added that France will participate in the peace permission of a situation under discussion in the UN General Assembly. According to the Minister, the Western coalition to strike Syria, if Damascus will use chemical weapons against the civilian population. Armed conflict in Syria began in 2011.

The white house issued a coin in honor of the meeting of Putin and trump

The white house issued a coin in honor of the meeting of Putin and trump The white house has released a commemorative coin on the occasion of the summit, U.S. President Donald trump and the Russian leader Vladimir Putin. On the website of the gift shop, photograph the coins have not been published, but it showed in his Twitter journalist Kenneth Fogel. Upstairs “We still don’t know what a deal trump and Putin, but I can report that the White house issued a coin in honor of this event,” — said the journalist. The value of the coins is $ 100. It does not depict the faces of the two leaders. Center embossed Helsinki Cathedral, next to which the meeting took place. August 31, the press Secretary of the President Dmitry Peskov said that the presidents of Russia and the United States can meet before the end of the year

“It’s important for me to be where the war”. The coordinator of “Doctors without borders” — about the rescue of refugees and its work

“It’s important for me to be where the war”. The coordinator of “Doctors without borders” — about the rescue of refugees and its work A year ago, at the end of August 2017, tens of thousands of Muslim Rohingya have fled Myanmar to Bangladesh to escape the ethnic cleansing. Upstairs Russian service Bi-bi-si recorded the story of the employees of “Doctors without borders” Tatiana Kotova about how now looks like a refugee camp, Rohingya people how the life and work of humanitarian organizations and why the principle of fairness has to be observed even during the matches of the world Cup. NewsWho are the Rohingya and what is happening to Muslims in Myanmar? “Right now I’m sitting on the shore of the Bay of Bengal, near the city of Cox’s Bazar in Bangladesh. I have the first in almost three months off. Cox’s Bazar has become a famous recent months