Meeting of the CSTO Collective Security Council. Main statements

President of Kazakhstan Kassym-Zhomart Tokayev Kazakhstan has experienced the most severe crisis in the entire history of its independence. “This is a & nbsp; attempted coup.” The riots that emerged after the protests have been preparing for a long time. They were attended by terrorists, & nbsp; including foreign ones. The main attack of the terrorists was directed against Almaty, the fall of the city would open the way to & nbsp; capture the south, and & nbsp; then the whole country. The exact number of civilian casualties is being specified. Constitutional order in the country has been restored. 2.3 thousand CSTO peacekeepers are in & nbsp; Kazakhstan. 18 photos18 photos18 photos Russian President Vladimir Putin The situation in & nbsp; Kazakhstan & laquo ; concerns all of us. '' technologies of power information support of riots. '' “ We & nbsp; will not & nbsp; allow the situation at

Russians were reminded about the growth of social pensions in April

Social pensions are paid to citizens who, due to various circumstances, could not work out a work experience sufficient to receive an insurance pension. Such pensions are awarded five years later than insurance ones. It is specified that more than 3 million people receive them in the Russian Federation. State pension payments are received by civil servants, military personnel, as well as citizens in the event of disability or loss of a breadwinner upon reaching the age prescribed by law. Also, such payments are sent to disabled residents of the country. It is specified that in 2021, the social pension was indexed by 3.4%, to 10,183 ₽ In April of this year, the size of the social pension will grow to almost 11 thousand, but this is 7 thousand less than the average size of the old-age insurance pension. In 2023, social pensions should grow by another 2.5%, and in

Peskov – on the search for those responsible for the riots in Kazakhstan: Not Russia's business

Press Secretary of the & nbsp; RF President Dmitry Peskov told reporters that & nbsp; Moscow does not & nbsp; intend to intervene in Kazakhstan & nbsp; & nbsp; and & nbsp; search for the culprit. He recalled the & nbsp; promise to establish and & nbsp; name those behind the tragedy, which was given by the President of the Republic, Kassym-Zhomart Tokayev, at the & nbsp; CSTO online summit. “ It's not Russia's business to call it. This is an internal affair of Kazakhstan, a sovereign country '', & nbsp; & mdash; the representative of the Kremlin emphasized. Recall, against the background of large-scale rallies in & nbsp; Kazakhstan, the government resigned, and later an emergency regime was introduced throughout the country, but the protests continued to develop into & nbsp; riots with & nbsp; looting. On the night of & nbsp; 6 & nbsp; January, it became known

“Gates of hell” in Turkmenistan want to extinguish

President of Turkmenistan Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov announced plans to extinguish the burning gas crater “Radiance of the Karakums” in the Karakum desert. According to the leader of the state, this popular tourist attraction, also known as the “Gates of Hell”, causes serious damage to the environment, human health, as well as the country’s economy, as a resource from which it would be possible to profit is wasted. The Darvaza gas crater, officially called the “Karakum Radiance”, was formed in the middle of the vast Karakum Desert in 1971. During the exploration of a gas field, geologists came across a void in the ground. There was a collapse, and a giant hole filled with gas about 70 meters wide and about 20 meters deep formed in the ground. Geologists decided to ignite the escaping gas in the hope that it would burn out in a few days, but their calculations turned out

What's going on in Kazakhstan? Situation on January 10

President of Kazakhstan Kassym-Zhomart Tokayev announced a nationwide mourning in the country on January 10 & nbsp; & nbsp; In & nbsp; connection with & nbsp; death of people in & nbsp; as a result of terrorist acts committed in & nbsp; Republic of Kazakhstan to declare on January 10 & nbsp; January 10, 2022 nationwide mourning in & nbsp; Republic of Kazakhstan & raquo;, & nbsp; & mdash; reads the & nbsp; text of the decree of the head of state. The situation in the & nbsp; country aggravated on January 2 & nbsp; when rallies began in the & nbsp; city of Zhanaozen, Mangistau region against a sharp rise in prices for & nbsp; liquefied gas. Soon after, the rallies escalated into & nbsp; riots throughout the country. The protesters demanded a change in the ruling regime and & nbsp; to carry out reforms. On the morning of

Putin: the peacekeeping contingent will be in Kazakhstan for a limited period

TASS, 10 & nbsp; January. The peacekeeping contingent will be in & nbsp; Kazakhstan for a limited period, after fulfilling its functions, it & nbsp; will be withdrawn from the republic. & Nbsp; This was stated by the President of & nbsp; RF Vladimir Putin. Putin called the CSTO peacekeeping operation in & nbsp; Kazakhstan extremely timely and & nbsp; legitimate. The CSTO in & nbsp; the case with & nbsp; Kazakhstan has shown in action its potential, the ability to act quickly, decisively and & nbsp; effectively, the Russian leader said. The commander of the CSTO peacekeeping contingent in & nbsp; Kazakhstan, General Serdyukov, knows his business, Putin said. Russia understands that & nbsp; the threat to Kazakhstan was not caused by & nbsp; spontaneous protest actions, but & nbsp; by those who & nbsp; took up arms. Putin said. According to & nbsp; he said, Kazakhstan is faced

State Duma deputies told what bills they plan to introduce in 2022

“Gazeta.Ru” I learned what bills the deputies plan to develop immediately after the holidays. Taxes and & nbsp; labor The Liberal Democratic Party is working on & nbsp; a draft law on & nbsp; a progressive scale of taxation, said & laquo ; Gazeta.Ru & raquo; deputy head of the faction, chairman of the State Duma committee on labor, social policy and & nbsp; affairs of veterans Yaroslav Nilov: Those who receive a lot should pay more tax. And vice versa, it is necessary to exempt from tax those who receive little – at the level of 20 thousand rubles. Also, the Liberal Democrats are preparing amendments to the & nbsp; Tax Code & nbsp; & mdash; to & nbsp; to stimulate organizations that & nbsp; employ people with disabilities and & nbsp; to & nbsp; support beginners who have just graduated from educational institutions and & nbsp; are looking

The study showed the most promising profession in 2022

According to the data, the majority of respondents, which is 60%, noted that the profession of an IT specialist will be the most promising this year, 56% also noted the profession of a doctor, and 44% – a specialist in nanotechnology. In addition, 43% of the study participants believe that virologists will remain relevant this year. 39% of respondents mentioned the prospects of sales managers, 33% – engineers, and 27% – builders. It is also said that another 18% of respondents believe that there will be a high demand for HR specialists in the labor market, 15% think the same about infectious diseases, and 10% — about nurses and nurses. In addition, respondents indicated other promising professions, but they scored less than 10% of the votes. According to the data of the service “Work.“, more than 5 thousand users of the service from all regions of Russia took part in