State Duma deputies told what bills they plan to introduce in 2022

“Gazeta.Ru” I learned what bills the deputies plan to develop immediately after the holidays.

Taxes and & nbsp; labor

The Liberal Democratic Party is working on & nbsp; a draft law on & nbsp; a progressive scale of taxation, said & laquo ; Gazeta.Ru & raquo; deputy head of the faction, chairman of the State Duma committee on labor, social policy and & nbsp; affairs of veterans Yaroslav Nilov:

Those who receive a lot should pay more tax. And vice versa, it is necessary to exempt from tax those who receive little – at the level of 20 thousand rubles.

Also, the Liberal Democrats are preparing amendments to the & nbsp; Tax Code & nbsp; & mdash; to & nbsp; to stimulate organizations that & nbsp; employ people with disabilities and & nbsp; to & nbsp; support beginners who have just graduated from educational institutions and & nbsp; are looking for their first job.

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A similar bill is being developed by the & nbsp; New People faction. Its & nbsp; head Aleksey Nechaev told Gazeta.Ru that the & nbsp; deputies propose to introduce tax breaks for & nbsp; entrepreneurs for & nbsp; employment of young professionals without & nbsp; work experience.

LDPR also plans to draft a law on the introduction of reduced & nbsp; contributions to the & nbsp; Pension Fund for & nbsp; employers who employ pensioners, Nilov said.

“ Pensions for working pensioners are recalculated by a maximum of & nbsp; three points (+200 ₽ in & nbsp; year to & nbsp; the amount of pensions), and & nbsp; contributions (for & nbsp; them) the employer pays for & nbsp; them as for & nbsp; everyone else. Therefore, since & nbsp; is already not & nbsp; full recalculation, it means that there must be appropriate benefits for & nbsp; employers & raquo;, & nbsp; & mdash; said Nilov.



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